I'm ussing this library, the problem starts with:
Tray is based on a ContentProvider. A ContentProvider needs a unique authority. When you use the same authority for multiple apps you will be unable to install the app due to a authority conflict with the error message:
because i didn't read this before, i used this library to fix problems with multi thread SharedPreference, this project had to become in a module to use in multiple projects.
At the moment of installing every App with this Module, throws the Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_CONFLICTING_PROVIDER] exception.
Because authority is already used in the first installed app.
The questions are:
How can i skip installation of Module that is already installed? (Installing the rest of the app, so error will disapear)
else, How can i structure the projects? to be able to install multiple apps built with the Module that have the ContentProvider Library.
For those that need something similar these are the steps to follow:
Step 1. I configured Tray Library in a Main Project "required for the rest of apps" (the app that hosts database preferences)
Step 2. I extracted from repository the required classes to connect with the Tray ContentProvider, which are:
- AbstractTrayPreference.java
- ContentProviderStorage.java
- ItemNotFoundException.java
- Migration.java
- OnTrayPreferenceChangeListener.java
- PreferenceAccessor.java
- Preferences.java
- PreferenceStorage.java
- SqliteHelper.java
- TrayContract.java
- TrayDBHelper.java
- TrayException.java
- TrayItem.java
- TrayPreferences.java
- TrayProviderHelper.java
- TrayRuntimeException.java
- TrayStorage.java
- TrayUri.java
- WrongTypeException.java
in a new package for the common Module.
Step 3. I hardcoded authority name via constant variable:
This must match with Main Project configuration:
// bild.gradle of Main Project
resValue "string", "tray__authority", "<your.app.package>.tray"
// TrayContract.java of Module
private static String getAuthority(@NonNull final Context context) {
return TextUtils.isEmpty(sTestAuthority) ?
AppConstant.TRAY_AUTHORITY: // <-- this one = <your.app.package>.tray
Finally I can use the class normally:
// etc
import <your.app.package>.tray.TrayPreferences;
// etc
public class AppPreferencesManager extends TrayPreferences {
// etc
it worked :)