I recently came across the octopress blogging platform and followed the installation instructions. I am hosting it on github using github pages. I created a repository and successfully managed to make an initial commit. My problem came when I tried to make another commit and this is the message I got:
Immanuels-MacBook-Pro:octopress manuweg$ git add .
Immanuels-MacBook-Pro:octopress manuweg$ git commit -m "Changed origin url"
[source e0fff54] Changed origin url
1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
Immanuels-MacBook-Pro:octopress manuweg$ git push origin source
ERROR: Repository invalid.
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
This is the config in my .git/config file
[remote "origin"]
url = git@github.com:manuweg/manuweg.github.com.git
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
When I do
git config --get-regexp '^(remote|branch)\.'
I get
remote.octopress.url git://github.com/imathis/octopress.git
remote.octopress.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/octopress/*
branch.source.remote origin
branch.source.merge refs/heads/master
remote.origin.url git@github.com:manuweg/manuweg.github.com.git
emote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
As you can see there seems to be a spelling mistake on the last line
emote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
Which I assume should read:
remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
The remote origin url is correct and worked for the initial commit. Any ideas why I am getting this error?
So I solved this problem by creating another origin with exactly the same details as the first origin:
git remote add origin2 git@github.com:manuweg/manuweg.github.com.git
I solved the error by deleting the origin and re-adding it. hope this helps. you should replace and with your information.
git remote rm origin
git remote add origin git@github.com:<username>/<applicationname>.git
In http://octopress.org/docs/deploying/github/
Use this if you want to host a blog from http://username.github.com (though you can also use custom domains).
Create a new Github repository and name the repository with your user name or organization name username.github.com or organization.github.com.
repo name should be username.github.com, not username.