I am trying to convert RGB frames (ppm format) to YUV420P format using ffmpeg. To make sure that my code C++ is good , I compared the output with the one created by this command (the same filer BILINEAR): ffmpeg -start_number 1 -i data/test512x512%d.ppm -sws_flags 'bilinear' -pix_fmt yuv420p data/test-yuv420p.yuv
My code :
static unsigned char *readPPM(int i)
unsigned char *imgRGB;
unsigned char *imgBGR;
int w,h;
int c;
int bit;
char buff[16];
char *filename;
pF = fopen(filename,"rb");
if (pF) {
if (!fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), pF)) {
return nullptr;
if (buff[0] != 'P' || buff[1] != '6') {
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid image format (must be 'P6')\n");
return nullptr;
c = getc(pF);
while (c == '#') {
while (getc(pF) != '\n') ;
c = getc(pF);
ungetc(c, pF);
// read size
if (fscanf(pF, "%d %d", &w, &h) != 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid image size (error loading '%s')\n", filename);
return nullptr;
//read bit
if (fscanf(pF, "%d", &bit) != 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid rgb component (error loading '%s')\n", filename);
imgRGB =(unsigned char*) malloc(3*h*w);
imgBGR =(unsigned char*) malloc(3*h*w);
//read pixel data from file
int length = fread(imgBGR, sizeof(unsigned char)*3, w*h, pF) ;
if (length != w*h) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error loading image '%s'\n", filename);
return nullptr;
int start=0;
for (i=0; i < HEIGHT*WIDTH;i++) {
imgRGB[start] = imgBGR[start];
imgRGB[start+2]= imgBGR[start+2];
imgRGB[start+1]= imgBGR[start+1];
return imgRGB;
else {
return nullptr;
void Test_FFMPEG::FillFrame (uint8_t* pic, int index)
avpicture_fill((AVPicture*)RGBFrame, pic, AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24, encodeContext->width, encodeContext->height);
struct SwsContext* fooContext = sws_getContext(encodeContext->width, encodeContext->height,
encodeContext->width, encodeContext->height,
SWS_BILINEAR , nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
sws_scale(fooContext, RGBFrame->data, RGBFrame->linesize, 0, encodeContext->height, OrgFrame->data, OrgFrame->linesize);
OrgFrame->pts = index;
The comparison result is not good. The are slight differences in Y and V but a lot in U. I cannot post my images but there is a part of Y is in U image. And it makes color change a little bit.
Can you tell me where is my error? Thanks you
I'm not positive about the ffmpeg defaults, but using SWS_BILINEAR | SWS_ACCURATE_RND
should produce better results.