I am implementing background email processing with Resque using the resque_mailer gem (https://github.com/zapnap/resque_mailer). I was able to get it to work for all my emails except the ones sent by Devise.
I went through a bunch of SO questions, and blog posts (for instance http://teeparham.posterous.com/send-devise-emails-with-resque) but could not find a way to get it to work.
What are the precise steps to follow to get resque_mailer to work with Devise?
I'd take a look at devise-async. Looks like it fits your use case. Devise Async
I went through tee's answer and several resources online, but couldn't find a working solution.
After a few days of reading through resque-mailer and devise code, a solution that worked for me. Thanks to tee for gist which put me in right direction.
Assuming your app/mailers/application_mailer.rb
looks similar to
class ApplicationMailer < ActionMailer::Base
include Resque::Mailer # This will add a `self.perform` class method, which we will overwrite in DeviseResqueMailer
In config/initializers/devise.rb
Devise.parent_mailer = "ApplicationMailer"
Devise.setup do |config|
config.mailer = 'DeviseResqueMailer'
In the resource class which uses devise, overwrite the send_devise_notification
method to send resource class and id instead of object to prevent marshalling
# app/models/user.rb
def send_devise_notification(notification, *args)
# Based on https://github.com/zapnap/resque_mailer/blob/64d2be9687e320de4295c1bd1b645f42bd547743/lib/resque_mailer.rb#L81
# Mailer may completely skip Resque::Mailer in certain cases - and will fail as we write custom handle in DeviseResqueMailer assuming mails are handled via resque
# So in those cases, don't retain original devise_mailer so things work properly
if ActionMailer::Base.perform_deliveries && Resque::Mailer.excluded_environments.exclude?(Rails.env.to_sym)
# Originally devise_mailer.send(notification, self, *args).deliver
# Modified to ensure devise mails are safely sent via resque
resource_id, resource_class = self.id, self.class.name
devise_mailer.send(notification, {resource_id: resource_id, resource_class: resource_class}, *args).deliver
Finally, in app/mailers/devise_resque_mailer.rb
, fetch the record again from the database and continue
class DeviseResqueMailer < Devise::Mailer
def self.perform(action, *args)
# Hack to prevent RuntimeError - Could not find a valid mapping for admin.attributes
record_hash = args.shift
record = record_hash["resource_class"].constantize.find(record_hash["resource_id"])
super # From resque-mailer
I feel this approach is a better than using devise-async as all the mails go through same code path. Its easier to control and overwrite if needed.