I want to create the multi-language support for the website. I'm currently using ngx-translate to translate all the text . Let's way we have two urls, mypage/en/home and mypage/es/home. How can I create those language paths and route them to home component?
Updated based on comment:
In the routes for the router you can do something like this:
export const routes: Routes =[
path: 'mypage/:language/home', component: HomeComponent
This way you actually only need one route and can have as many languages as you want.
Then in your component you can do:
public constructor (
route: ActivatedRoute
this.language = this.route.snapshot.params['language'];
If you really want multiple routes, you can do something like this:
export const routes: Routes =[
path: 'mypage/en/home', component: HomeComponent
path: 'mypage/es/home', component: HomeComponent