Is it possible to Load an XML File who has a password and a username like so:
XDocument xmlDoc = XDocument.load("htt://myApp/MyTestFile", "Username", "passwordtest");
Please help, I am hanging on that last point for my app.
How can i Load a Xdocument online who needs a username and a password
You could set the Credentials property of the XmlUrlResolver, as the document said :
Sets credentials used to authenticate web requests.
Then use XmlReader and XmlReaderSettings for the XDocument
Something like this :
XmlUrlResolver res = new XmlUrlResolver();
res.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("username", "password");
XmlReaderSettings set = new XmlReaderSettings();
set.XmlResolver = res;
XDocument xmlDoc = XDocument.Load(XmlReader.Create("htt://myApp/MyTestFile", set));