Can't find documentation on a cool Angular feature for two-way binding

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2020-01-06 06:19:11


This is not a question on how to do Angular bindings. It's not about ngModel etc.

It's about a feature that I've just been educated on, seemingly working and quite nicely.

I've never heard of it and I can't confirm it in any documentation I've looked into.

I asked a question and got a few answers, one of which was spot-on and easy to implement.

Basically, it's about the two-way binding that works automagically without implementing ControlValueAccessor nor manually mapping values to the model in the view component from the custom control component. I only had to put in an @Output suffixed by Change in the custom component and banana-box in the view component and tada! it works.


@Input() value: string;
@Output() valueChange: EventEmitter<string>;


<app-custom [(value)]="model.someField"></app-custom>
<app-custom [(value)]="model.anotherField"></app-custom>

Where is this behavior documented? Is it some special case of ngModel that I don't comprehend or just a nice feature not widely known?

I'm afraid that it's just a fluke and not something that's going to be supported in the future.


This behaviour is proper and documented in angular docs. it is not some "un official hack"

According to docs:

Angular offers a special two-way data binding syntax for this purpose, [()]. The [()] syntax combines the brackets of property binding, [], with the parentheses of event binding, (). The [()] syntax is easy to demonstrate when the element has a settable property called x and a corresponding event named xChange. Here's a SizerComponent that fits this pattern. It has a size value property and a companion sizeChange event:

The official docs even gives an example of it

import { Component, Input, Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-sizer',
  templateUrl: './sizer.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./sizer.component.css']
export class SizerComponent {

  @Input()  size: number | string;
  @Output() sizeChange = new EventEmitter<number>();

  dec() { this.resize(-1); }
  inc() { this.resize(+1); }

  resize(delta: number) {
    this.size = Math.min(40, Math.max(8, +this.size + delta));


so rest assured it is not something which might be removed without any notice.


just an FYI if you plan on using [ngModel] and (ngModelChange)


Two-way bindings (or bananabox) are quite common and a nifty little thing for those dumb/smart component patterns.

Don't worry, it's not going away

