I'm trying to just run the calculator test C# example (https://github.com/Microsoft/WinAppDriver/tree/master/Samples/C%23/CalculatorTest) inside visual studio 2017. When I download and build the example, it shows several lines as deprecated;
DesiredCapabilities appCapabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
appCapabilities.SetCapability("app", CalculatorAppId);
appCapabilities.SetCapability("deviceName", "WindowsPC");
and one as an error that needs to be changed;
session.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.5);
. I get errors such as this for each test (Addition, division, Multipluication, Substraction, Templatized) when I try and run them:
Test Name: Addition Test FullName: CalculatorTest.ScenarioStandard.Addition Test Source: C:\Users[user]\Downloads\WinAppDriver-master\Samples\C#\CalculatorTest\ScenarioStandard.cs : line 32 Test Outcome: Failed Test Duration: 0:00:00
Result StackTrace: at OpenQA.Selenium.Appium.AppiumDriver1..ctor(Uri remoteAddress, ICapabilities desiredCapabilities, TimeSpan commandTimeout) at OpenQA.Selenium.Appium.AppiumDriver1..ctor(Uri remoteAddress, ICapabilities desiredCapabilities) at OpenQA.Selenium.Appium.Windows.WindowsDriver`1..ctor(Uri remoteAddress, DesiredCapabilities desiredCapabilities) at CalculatorTest.CalculatorSession.Setup(TestContext context) in C:\Users[user]\Downloads\WinAppDriver-master\Samples\C#\CalculatorTest\CalculatorSession.cs:line 42 at CalculatorTest.ScenarioStandard.ClassInitialize(TestContext context) in C:\Users[user]\Downloads\WinAppDriver-master\Samples\C#\CalculatorTest\ScenarioStandard.cs:line 101 Result Message: Class Initialization method CalculatorTest.ScenarioStandard.ClassInitialize threw exception. System.TypeLoadException: System.TypeLoadException: Method 'Dispose' in type 'OpenQA.Selenium.Appium.Service.AppiumCommandExecutor' from assembly 'appium-dotnet-driver, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' does not have an implementation..
I have Appium downloaded and running in the background when I do this, but it appears to sit brick like.
I'm a c# app developer, and really don't have a clue what I'm doing with Appium/WinAppDriver (I've just been told to figure it out), and after looking at this for a bit am at a loss as how to troubleshoot whats going on here. I don't know if this is an Appium issue, a WinAppDriver issue, or something else, and help would be appreciated.
Solved by updating (inside vs) to the latest beta drivers ( and then converting code to use the new format.
AppiumOptions options = new AppiumOptions();
ptions.AddAdditionalCapability("deviceName", "WindowsPC");
options.AddAdditionalCapability("platformName", "Windows");
options.AddAdditionalCapability("app", NotepadAppId);
session = new WindowsDriver<WindowsElement>(new Uri(WindowsApplicationDriverUrl), options);
Rather then the shown
DesiredCapabilities appCapabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
Dude, I didn't have any luck at all with those examples but what I have managed to do is launch an application from it's filepath and test that. I also had to figure out that you must set "Developer Mode" to On (nobody tells you that!) and a few other things. Here are my notes that I made for myself and other developers...
Installing and Running Windows Application Driver
1.Download Windows Application Driver installer from https://github.com/Microsoft/WinAppDriver/releases
2.Run the installer on a Windows 10 machine where your application under test is installed and will be tested
3.Set Developer Mode to On (Start -> type "Use Developer Features"), open that and set Developer Mode On...
4.Run WinAppDriver.exe from the installation directory (E.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Application Driver)
Install Win App Driver Recorder, then launch it. Click the little yellow rectangle icon at the top of it.
Using the above, the examples begin to make more sense but as I said, I have only tested apps where I can launch the executable from it's filepath...