it seems to be the same error and conditions as this unanswered SO question, but I have more to add (its really easy to replicate)
Create a new project in the latest Xcode
iOS App with WatchKit App
Go to the WatchKit App > Interface.storyboard and put a single button on the Interface Controller Scene > Interface Controller
Go to WatchKit Extension > InterfaceController.swift and add a new member
@IBOutlet var scheduleMeetingButton: WKInterfaceButton!
and method
@IBAction func scheduleMeeting(_ sender: Any) { }
then go back to Interface.storyboard and link both of these to the button
launch the app (on the watch simulator)
than click the button and you will get this exec error
What is causing this error?
From looking at your code i would suggest updating the action function from sender: any to sender: wkinterfacebutton hope this helps!