Range DataAnnotation Doesn't Seem to Be Working in .Net 3.5

流过昼夜 提交于 2020-01-06 04:20:42


Using .Net 3.5

I have a Range Attributes (System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations) on a Property...

   [Range(0, 5, ErrorMessage = "Weight must be between 0 and 5")]
    public virtual double Weight{ get; set; }

And I have a Validate method in the class that checks validation attributes...

protected virtual void Validate()
    var type = this.GetType();
    foreach (var property in type.GetProperties())
        foreach (ValidationAttribute attribute in 
            if(!attribute.IsValid(property.GetValue(this, null)))

    public virtual bool IsValid()
        return GetBrokenRules().Count == 0;

And I have an NUnit test that tests the validation...

[TestCase(-.1, Result = false)] // fails
[TestCase(0.0, Result = true)]
[TestCase(5.0, Result = true)]
[TestCase(5.1, Result = false)]  // fails
public bool ItValidatesWeight(double weight)
    _ornament.Weight = weight;
    return _ornament.IsValid();

Required attributes are working properly but on the class and test correctly, but the Range attributes are not. Any suggestions?


It was interpreting the attribute as using the int overload.

It worked with:

[Range(0.0, 5.0, ErrorMessage = "Weight must be between 0 and 5")]
    public virtual double Weight{ get; set; }

