The plane fitting example fits a cube on a plane that it created from the point cloud that it retrieves based on the point selected by user. I want to determine if that point is a floor, a wall or a roof. What I am trying to achieve is to change the example so that it only renders the cube on the floor and not on wall or roof.
The simplest solution is to check the plane normal. Usually, wall's normal is perpendicular to the gravity, and floor is parallel to gravity.
Something like this:
You got the normal of the plane hit right?
float surfaceAngle = Vector3.Angle(normal, new Vector3(0,1,0));
float floorLimitAngle = 20;
float ceilingLimitAngle = 180 - 20;
if (surfaceAngle < floorLimitAngle )
// It's a floor
else if (surfaceAngle > ceilingLimitAngle)
// It's a ceiling
// It's a wall