I have a Console application (executable) written in C# .Net that users download and run locally. The users download a zip and extract it to a local directory and run (using command line parameters) via the command line from that location.
Since users will not check for new version I need a way for the executable to check for a newer version of itself and automatically download it and overwrite itself (or at least notify the user).
I have looked at the possibility of using clickonce but that is geared towards windows applications.
All the questions/threads I have looked at only concern auto updating windows applications so are no good for this scenario.
Is there a way (or pattern) to auto update a .Net console app or do I have to write code within the console app to check its version against the server and notify the user?
If its made Clickonce it will break it as a console app - http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/8be48914-6563-47cb-9bff-e5e72047bb69/c-console-application-always-is-a-click-once-app