I am animating x Axis value in core plot but with that my xAxis , yAxis is also animating and disappearing . My set up for graph is shown in here as I have some issue related to graph data I have asked question and here as u can see in code graph set up is correct : Graph set up code. What is missing? MY code for animation is as below:
let plotSpace = graph.defaultPlotSpace as! CPTXYPlotSpace!
let location = currentIndex
let oldRange = CPTPlotRange(location: location , length: kMaxDataPoints - 2)
let newRange = CPTPlotRange(location: location + 1, length: kMaxDataPoints - 2)
CPTAnimation.animate(plotSpace, property: "xRange", fromPlotRange: oldRange, toPlotRange: newRange, duration: 1.0)
currentIndex += 1
(moved from the comments into an answer)
You can use axis constraints to lock the y-axis in position. Look at the "Real Time Plot" in the Plot Gallery example app.