[EDIT : Solved but i think there's a better way, if you find it, i'm still interested]
I have a list of banks. Each bank contains a list of accounts. Each accounts contains a list of operations.
I would like to display all the operations in a table.
Here's what the bank list looks like :
$scope.banks = [
id: 1,
name: 'bank_1',
accounts: [
id: 1,
name: 'account_1',
operations: [
{id: 1, name:'operation_1', price:100},
{id: 2, name:'operation_2', price:200},
{id: 3, name:'operation_3', price:300},
{id: 4, name:'operation_4', price:400}
id: 2,
name: 'account_2',
operations: [
{id: 5, name:'operation_5', price:100},
{id: 6, name:'operation_6', price:200},
{id: 7, name:'operation_7', price:300},
{id: 8, name:'operation_8', price:400}
id: 2,
name: 'bank_2',
accounts: [
id: 3,
name: 'account_3',
operations: [
{id: 9, name:'operation_9', price:100},
{id: 10, name:'operation_10', price:200},
{id: 11, name:'operation_11', price:300},
{id: 12, name:'operation_12', price:400}
id: 4,
name: 'account_4',
operations: [
{id: 13, name:'operation_13', price:100},
{id: 14, name:'operation_14', price:200},
{id: 15, name:'operation_15', price:300},
{id: 16, name:'operation_16', price:400}
In order to display that properly with Angular i wanted to make something like that :
<th>ID OP</th>
<div ng-repeat="bank in banks">
<div ng-repeat="account in bank.accounts">
<div ng-repeat="operation in account.operations">
But i know it's not correct to break the table > tr > td.
After some researches, i think i may have to use the ng-repeat-start, ng-repeat-end directive but i don't understand how and i'm not even sure it's the good thing to do.
If you have any idea how to solve that i'd be glad to hear your solution.
This can be easily achieved by creating custom filter that will return the list of operation.
.filter('filterData', function(){
return function(data, firstParam, secondParam){
var returnData = [];
angular.forEach(data, function(value, index){
angular.forEach(value[firstParam], function(val, ind){
angular.forEach(val[secondParam], function(v, i){
return returnData;
<tr ng-repeat="operation in banks| filterData: 'accounts': 'operations'">
Working Plunkr Here
Hope this could help you, Thanks.
Thx you saved my day.
I enhance your solution because filterData function is running twice (for each element of $scope.banks array).
Prefers ng-init in tbody container of tr_ngrepeat.
<tbody ng-init="operationlist=(banks|filterData: 'accounts': 'operations')">
<tr ng-repeat="operation in operationlist">