Create a list of unique numbers by applying transitive closure

若如初见. 提交于 2020-01-04 06:45:33


I have a list of tuples (each tuple consists of 2 numbers) like:

array = [(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 4), (5, 8), (8, 10)]

Lets say, these numbers are ids of some db objects (records) and inside a tuple, there are ids of duplicate objects. Which means 1 and 2 are duplicate. 1 and 3 are duplicate which means 2 and 3 are also duplicate.

if a == b and b == c then a == c

Now I want to merge all these duplicate objects ids into a single tuple like this:

output = [(1, 2, 3, 4), (5, 8, 10)]

I know I can do this using loops and redundant matches. I just want some better solution with low processing / calculations (if there is any).


I think the most efficient way to achieve this will be using set as:

def transitive_cloure(array):
    new_list = [set(array.pop(0))]  # initialize first set with value of index `0`

    for item in array:
        for i, s in enumerate(new_list):
            if any(x in s for x in item):
                new_list[i] = new_list[i].union(item)
    return new_list

Sample run:

>>> transitive_cloure([(1,2), (1,3), (2,4), (5,8), (8,10)])
[{1, 2, 3, 4}, {8, 10, 5}]

Comparison with other answers (on Python 3.4):

  • This answer: 6.238126921001822

    >>> timeit.timeit("moin()", setup="from __main__ import moin")
  • Willem's solution: 29.115453064994654 (Time related to declaration of class is excluded)

    >>> timeit.timeit("willem()", setup="from __main__ import willem")
  • hsfzxjy's solution: 10.049749890022213

    >>> timeit.timeit("hsfzxjy()", setup="from __main__ import hsfzxjy")


You can use a data structure making it more efficient to perform a merge. Here you create some sort of opposite tree. So in your example you first would create the numbers listed:

1  2  3  4  5  8  10

Now if you iterate over the (1,2) tuple, you look up 1 and 2 in some sort of dictionary. You search their ancestors (there are none here) and then you create some sort of merge node:

1  2  3  4  5  8  10

Next we merge (1,3) so we look up the ancestor of 1 (12) and 3 (3) and perform another merge:

1  2  3  4  5  8  10
 \/   |
 12  /

Next we merge (2,4) and (5,8) and (8,10):

1  2  3  4  5  8  10
 \/   |  |   \/   |
 12  /   |   58  /
   \/   /      \/
  123  /      5810

You also keep a list of the "merge-heads" so you can easily return the elements.

Time to get our hands dirty

So now that we know how to construct such a datastructure, let's implement one. First we define a node:

class Merge:

    def __init__(self,value=None,parent=None,subs=()):
        self.value = value
        self.parent = parent
        self.subs = subs

    def get_ancestor(self):
        cur = self
        while cur.parent is not None:
            cur = cur.parent
        return cur

    def __iter__(self):
        if self.value is not None:
            yield self.value
        elif self.subs:
            for sub in self.subs:
                for val in sub:
                    yield val

Now we first initialize a dictionary for every element in your list:

vals = set(x for tup in array for x in tup)

and create a dictionary for every element in vals that maps to a Merge:

dic = {val:Merge(val) for val in vals}

and the merge_heads:

merge_heads = set(dic.values())

Now for each tuple in the array, we lookup the corresponding Merge object that is the ancestor, we create a new Merge on top of that, remove the two old heads from the merge_head set and add the new merge to it:

for frm,to in array:
    mra = dic[frm].get_ancestor()
    mrb = dic[to].get_ancestor()
    mr = Merge(subs=(mra,mrb))
    mra.parent = mr
    mrb.parent = mr

Finally after we have done that we can simply construct a set for each Merge in merge_heads:

resulting_sets = [set(merge) for merge in merge_heads]

and resulting_sets will be (order may vary):

[{1, 2, 3, 4}, {8, 10, 5}]

Putting it all together (without class definition):

vals = set(x for tup in array for x in tup)
dic = {val:Merge(val) for val in vals}
merge_heads = set(dic.values())
for frm,to in array:
    mra = dic[frm].get_ancestor()
    mrb = dic[to].get_ancestor()
    mr = Merge(subs=(mra,mrb))
    mra.parent = mr
    mrb.parent = mr
resulting_sets = [set(merge) for merge in merge_heads]

This will worst case run in O(n2), but you can balance the tree such that the ancestor is found in O(log n) instead, making it O(n log n). Furthermore you can short-circuit the list of ancestors, making it even faster.


You can use disjoint set.

Disjoint set is actually a kind of tree structure. Let's consider each number as a tree node, and every time we read in an edge (u, v), we just easily associate the two trees u and v in (if it does not exist, create an one-node tree instead) by pointing the root node of one tree to another's. At the end, we should just walk through the forest to get the result.

from collections import defaultdict

def relation(array):

    mapping = {}

    def parent(u):
        if mapping[u] == u:
            return u
        mapping[u] = parent(mapping[u])
        return mapping[u]

    for u, v in array:
        if u not in mapping:
            mapping[u] = u
        if v not in mapping:
            mapping[v] = v
        mapping[parent(u)] = parent(v)

    results = defaultdict(set)

    for u in mapping.keys():

    return [tuple(x) for x in results.values()]

In the code above, mapping[u] stores the ancestor of node u (parent or root). Specially, the ancestor of one-node tree's node is itself.

