Can I parameterize labels and properties on CREATE or SET? (REST and transaction)

一笑奈何 提交于 2020-01-04 04:16:09


I have a query

1. CREATE (a:%1$s {props}), (b:%2$s {props2}), (b)-[:%3$s {relProps}]->(a)
2. MATCH (a:%1$s { value:{value} })-[:%2$s]->(b) WHERE (b:%3$s) SET (b {props})

I'm using underscore.string to allow string format but would love to just stick with parameters.

Is it possible to parameterize labels such as

  "query": CREATE (a:{label} {props}),
  "params": {

and is it also possible to parameterize properties on a SET?

  "query": "MATCH ..... SET (node {props})"
  "params": {
      "prop1:":"Property Name",

Also is there a way to parameterize on a "MERGE"? it gives me 'Parameter maps cannot be used in MERGE patterns (use a literal map instead, eg. "{id: {param}.id}")'

EDIT: what about parameterizing where clause?

MATCH (:Identity%1$s {nodeId:{nodeId})-[r*2..3]-(node1)-[b:%2$s]->(node2) %4$s return *

I have %4$s there for me to put whatever clauses I need to. If I want to have it as

WHERE node1.nodeId= {someNodeId} SET b= {props}

is that possible??

Also when I'm doing a transaction SET node={props} does not seem to work. I tried

    "statement":"..... SET node={props}",
      "props": {
        "description":"some description"

Any suggestions?? Thank you!


You cannot parameterize labels since the query plan might look different for a different label.

Parameterizing multiple properties using a map is possible, note the slight difference in the SET syntax:

  "query": "MATCH ..... SET node = {props}"
  "params": {
      "prop1:":"Property Name",

Not 100% about MERGE but I guess this should work:

  "query": "MERGE (n:Label {identifier: {idValue}) ON CREATE SET n = {props}"
  "params": {
    "identifier": 123,
      "identifier": 123,
      "prop1:":"Property Name",


I found out!

CREATE  ...  SET node = {props}

does the trick to set multiple properties with parameters


