I'm just starting to play with NancyFx to compare it with the .net MVC WebAPI stuff and I've hit an issue straight away. As I understand it Nancy should handle serialization straight out of the box. But I can't seem to get it working.
I have a Nancy Module that looks like this:
public class HelloWorld : NancyModule
public HelloWorld()
Post["/"] = parameters =>
var myFieldValue = parameters.myField;
return HttpStatusCode.OK;
And I post to it using Fiddler like this:
User-Agent: Fiddler
Content-Type: application/json
Host: localhost:3141
Content-Length: 24
{"myField" : "profit"}
However when the parameters object is empty (and so, therefore is the myFieldValue object). I'm sure I've missed something really obvious, but I don't know what!
Parameters are for captures in the url (e.g. /foo/{bar} would capture a bar variable in parameters. If you are posting JSON you should use the model binder (var foo =this.Bind();
I would recommend taking a look at the docs too.. All of this is covered there :-)
For posting data you have to use model binding. Unfortunately, model binding to dynamic is not supported and you have to create request classes. There is a proposed workaround , but I didn't use it myself.
If you don't want to define class for particular request and use model binding, then you can use power of dynamic
with json.net.
public AuthTokenModule (IAuthService authService, UserMapper mapper) : base ("api/v1/authToken")
Post ["/login"] = x => {
dynamic request = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject (Request.Body.AsString ());
var user = mapper.ValidateUser ((string)request.email, (string)request.password);