I've seen this question asked a couple of times but nobody has answered it - in fact it might be impossible, but I was wondering if there was a way to prevent the screen from going black when the proximityState changes on the iPhone?
I have implemented a method to do something when the proximity state changes, but the screen flickers to black and I want to avoid that. Here is my code:
[nc addObserver:self selector:@selector(proximityChanged:) name:UIDeviceProximityStateDidChangeNotification object:d];
- (void)proximityChanged:(NSNotification *)note {
if ([[note object] proximityState] == 1) {
// Do something once the face is close
// This is where it goes to black
} else {
// Do something once the face pulls away
Sadly, the current public APIs do not allow you to do this. You might want to file an enhancement request via the Apple Bug Reporter: http://developer.apple.com/bugreporter/
I would file it with http://radar.apple.com