JavaFX jar with dependencies bundled

半世苍凉 提交于 2020-01-03 17:10:17


I just made a question about using javafxpackager to make JavaFX jars, you can see it here. My problem was that I couldn't include the classpath in the manifest. Well, while I was waiting for the answer, I tried maven-antrun-plugin instead. It worked nice, and I could run my application with dependencies, BUT (there is always a but) only with the dependencies OUTSIDE my final jar. So it is like that:

  |_{all dependencies here}

My manifest file is pointing to the dependencies via the JavaFX-Class-Path property. If I put the dependencies inside the jar, like I want, it doesn't find my dependencies. Any help?

EDIT: Here's the step to add the dependencies to the jar, its inside the pom.xml:

                            <taskdef name="jfxjar" classname=""
                                classpathref="maven.plugin.classpath" />
                                <fileset dir="${}/classes" />

                                <!-- Adds the dependencies to jar -->
                                <fileset dir="${}/lib/" includes="*.jar" />
                                <application name="${}" mainClass="" />

                                    <!-- Adds the dependencies to classpath -->
                                    <fileset dir="${}/lib/" includes="*.jar" />


In the end, my "build" part of the POM became this (you can see that it has a weld part also), its been a long time since I used it, so I don't even know if its ok anymore

                            <taskdef name="jfxjar" classname=""
                                classpathref="maven.plugin.classpath" />
                                <fileset dir="${}/classes" />
                                <application name="${}" mainClass="" />
                                    <fileset dir="${}/dist/" includes="lib/*.jar" />
                                    <execute />


It is much easier to use maven-shade-plugin. It builds one big fat jar with all dependencies inside. You can use this in combination with javafx-maven-plugin. I also tried different approaches and played around a long time and this solution was the only one which really works. Additionally, it was easy to set up.

Here is what you have to add to your pom.xml:

                            <transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">

Change your package name inside mainClass for shade and also javaFx plugin and you are done. Now you can build your Application as always with mvn package.


Do you want to get some native applictation ? like exe or dmg。 It's my solution. make project as a maven project first,and then add some plugins to hit the target; i will share my pom.xml add those two plugins in you pom.xml, and run "mvn jfx:native" in you terminal later.

      <!--  this plugin will copy dependencies into target application-->


              <!-- it's javafx Application's Main Class -->
              <!-- what's platform , write what kind of target name -->
              <!-- tell plugin where the target save-->

