How to get SOAP message while using a Axis 1.4 wsdl2java-generated client

人走茶凉 提交于 2020-01-03 10:52:45


This is probably an easy question for anyone with any moderate expertise with web services using Apache Axis.

I have a web service client that was generated by wsdl2java in Axis 1.4. I am writing unit tests that need to access the actual SOAP message itself, and do a comparison to the client side java classes which are generated by Axis. (don't ask)

How can I retrieve the actual SOAP message from a response from the service?

From what I can gather from searching around is that I have to get the MessageContext. I have tried something along these lines...

MessageContext mc = MessageContext.getCurrentContext(); String message = mc.getCurrentMessage().getSOAPPartAsString();

But mc is null in this case....

Any help is appreciated!


This is how it's done.


When _call object is filled calling the line below gives it.

String request=_call.getMessageContext().getRequestMessage() .getSOAPPart().getEnvelope().toString();

For response use the below one

_call.getMessageContext().getResponseMessage() .getSOAPPart().getEnvelope().toString()

Call is a org.apache.axis.client.Call as you know.

