I've got the most annoying problem with my GUI Exporter in Maya. I've made the textField etc. work, but I can't change the value of the textField after it's created, which is what I need to do.
What I want to do for example is, let's say the filepath is none from the beginning. The textField has now printed out: "None" in it, but after you press browse and select a directory, I want it to change None to the directory path etc.
That's the only problem I currently have and the error code received is this:
Error: RuntimeError: file C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\Python\lib\site-packages\pymel\internal\pmcmds.py line 134: Too many children in layout: rowLayout3 #
#Setup the window using the returned window
def setupWindow(self, new_window):
frame_layout = pm.frameLayout(labelVisible = False, marginWidth = 5, marginHeight = 5)
pm.columnLayout(w = 350, h = 300)
pm.text(label = "Filepath: ")
self.textField = pm.textField("FieldNorm", text = "%s" % self.filePath, editable = False, w = 350, h = 20)
pm.button(label = "Browse", w = 100, h = 20, command = self.browse)
pm.rowLayout(numberOfColumns = 2, adjustableColumn = 1, w = 350, h = 25)
pm.button(label = "Export", w = 200, h = 25, command = self.export)
pm.button(label = "Close", w = 100, h = 25, command = pm.Callback(self.closeButton, new_window))
print "<Setting up window failed>"
#Show the returned window
def showWindow(self, new_window):
if new_window is not None:
print "<Window does not exist!>"
#Browse Directory and Paste into textField
def browse(self, filePath):
self.filePath = pm.fileDialog2(dialogStyle = 2, returnFilter = 1, fileFilter = "*.obj")
if self.filePath is not None:
self.textField = pm.textField("FieldNorm", text = "%s" % self.filePath, editable = False, w = 350, h = 20)
print "<No changes has been made!>"
Looks like you need the edit flag in the pm.textField line in browse()
pm.textField("FieldNorm", edit=True, text = "%s" % self.filePath)
The error means you are adding a new control, probably to the rowlayout at the end of the setupWindow function which holds the two buttons - Maya thinks you're adding a third
If you want to update the contents of self.textfield in the browse functions, you want
pm.textField(self.textField, e=True, text = "%s" % self.filePath, editable = False, w = 350, h = 20)
which will edit the already created field. The line in the example
self.textField = pm.textField("FieldNorm", text = "%s" % self.filePath, editable = False, w = 350, h = 20)
is trying to create a new one, as @julianMann points out