Subsetting neighboring fileds

梦想与她 提交于 2020-01-03 05:33:17


I am trying to make a conditional subsetting which would include contemporary elements inside window of neighboring areas. For example, given the matrix Dat, where Species (SP), Area (AR) and Time (TM):

A  2  2
B  2  2
C  1  4
F  3  2
B  5  3
E  3  2
D  2  1
I  1  4
H  3  2
E  2  4
D  3  5
B  1  2

How can I retrieve all the species co-occurring with species A in the same time, but within neighboring areas (in this case 1 and 3)? The desired output being:

A  2  2
B  2  2
F  3  2
H  3  2
B  1  2

This is based on the assumption that Species A will be occurring repeatedly in the dataset in different areas. I have an attempt, given by user thelatemail from a different question (with related elements) I posted previously, with minor modifications. The X's added, indicate the part of the syntax I cannot figure out, which would basically be the definition of the bracket (given this is more or less where it should be going).

    function(x) abs(AR)XXXXX),1,any

Any help is much appreciated.

This is part of a set of operations I am trying to make on a large dataset. I broke the question into two elements, which are somewhat related but far from being duplicates. The reason for this being I am a beginning R user and want to learn how to interpret, write and integrate codes on my own. The link to the related question: Subsetting based on co-occurrence within a time window . I can remove one of the links if needed.


Assuming neighboring areas are defined by areas within +/- 1 of the given area:

Copying from the previous question: Subsetting based on co-occurrence within a time window ...

    SP=="A" |
    # Area %in% Area[SP=="A"]
    Area %in% c(Area[SP=='A']-1, Area[SP=='A'], Area[SP=='A']+1)
  ) & 
    function(x) abs(difftime(Time,x,units="mins"))<=30 ),1,any

As per the comment (and my comment)

area <- 2
dat[dat$AR %in% c(area - 1, area, area + 1),]

And in Regards to Conditional subsetting by POSIXct interval and another field containing interval removing the conditional for SP=='A' should result in correct subsetting

area_boolean <- with(dat, Area %in% c(Area[SP=='A']-1, Area[SP=='A'], Area[SP=='A']+1))
time_boolean <- with(dat, apply(sapply(Time[SP=="A"],
                                function(x) abs(difftime(Time, x, units="mins")) <= 30 ),  
dat[area_boolean & time_boolean,]

