Adding more drop down or html elements to Datatable in Jquery

北战南征 提交于 2020-01-02 13:37:29


Is it possible to add more drop down or other html elements to the Datatable after the default

Display "5" record

I want to add more drop down to my DataTable between the Default one and the Search Bar which is provided by default.

I have gone through sDom but I am not able to understand the syntax.

Thanks in advance.


You can insert an element <div> between the length menu and the filter box this way :

var table = $('#example').DataTable({
   dom : 'l<"#add">frtip'

'lfrtip' is the default dom string, so you basically just add an <div id="#add"> to the existing layout. It is adviceable to style #add, especially setting the display type to inline-block so it not break the elements down under :

#add {
  display: inline-block;
  padding-left: 30px;
  float: left;

Now you can add <select>'s (or whatever) to the #add element the plain jQuery way :

//insert a label
$('<label/>').text('my dropdown').appendTo('#add')

//insert the select and some options
$select = $('<select/>').appendTo('#add')
$('<option/>').val('1').text('option #1').appendTo($select);
$('<option/>').val('2').text('option #2').appendTo($select);
$('<option/>').val('3').text('option #3').appendTo($select);

demo ->

