My application will query a database 50 times and will then react accordingly by adding the right UIImageView to another UIImageView, which I then want the application to display immediately at each loop.
Alas, after many nights I have failed to get it to work. The application will not immediately display the UIImageView. Having said that, when I zoom in or zoom out during mid loop the UIImageViews will appear! I must be missing something...
So far every code works except the last part [UIScrollView performSelector....
Please help and thank you in advance.
UIScrollView *firstView;
UIImageView *secondView;
UIImageView *thirdView;
NSOperationQueue *queue;
NSInvocationOperation *operation;
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated
queue = [NSOperationQueue new];
operation = [[NSInvocationOperation alloc] initWithTarget:self selector:@selector(getData) object:nil];
[queue addOperation:operation];
- (void) getData
for (i=0 ; i < 50 ; i++)
//All the codes to facilitate XML parsing here
[nsXMLParser setDelegate:parser];
[BOOL success = [nsXMLParser parse];
if (success)
if ([parser.currentValue isEqualToString:@"G"])
thirdView.image = greenTick.jpg;
[secondView addSubview:thirdView];
NSLog(@"Error parsing document!");
[thirdView performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(setNeedsDisplay) withObject:nil waitUntilDone: YES];
I discovered the solution and truly hope this will help someone...
if (success)
if ([parser.currentValue isEqualToString:@"G"])
// Make the changes here - start
dispatch_queue_t main_queue = dispatch_get_main_queue();
dispatch_async(main_queue, ^{
thirdView.image = greenTick.jpg;
[secondView addSubview:thirdView];
// Make the changes here - end
NSLog(@"Error parsing document!");
// Remove performSelectorOnMainThread