I recently update the MPAndroidChart library from 1.7.4 to 2.0.9 and I forgot what I did to customize the linechart to make the data displaying from right to left. Does anyone know? I am wondering if there is a method to call to do that.
There is no method. But it can still be done because it only depends on how you add the data.
Just add values at higher x-indices first.
Say you got a chart with x-axis labels from January to December with an x-axis range from 0 - 11 (12 values).
Now add the december value at index 11, and so on.
If you want to set the first data point other than zero and have the data display in left to right manner use moveViewToX(float xValue)
moveViewToX(float xValue)
: Moves the left side (edge) of the current viewport to the specifiedxValue