Aurelia.js: How do I animate an element when bound value changes?

99封情书 提交于 2020-01-02 03:29:14


I am using Aurelia.js for my UI. Let's say I have the following view markup:

<tr repeat.for="item in items">

Which is bound to a model "items". When one of the values in the model changes, I want to animate the cell where the changed value is displayed. How can I accomplish this?


This can be done with Aurelia custom attributes feature.

Create a new javascript file to describe the attribute (I called the attribute "animateonchange"):

import {inject, customAttribute} from 'aurelia-framework';
import {CssAnimator} from 'aurelia-animator-css';

@inject(Element, CssAnimator)
export class AnimateOnChangeCustomAttribute {
    constructor(element, animator) {
        this.element = element;
        this.animator = animator;
        this.initialValueSet = false;

        if (this.initialValueSet) {
            this.animator.addClass(this.element, 'background-animation').then(() => {
                this.animator.removeClass(this.element, 'background-animation');
        this.initialValueSet = true;

It receives the element and CSS animator in constructor. When the value changes, it animates the element with a predefined CSS class name. The first change is ignored (no need to animate on initial load). Here is how to use this custom element:

    <require from="./animateonchange"></require>
    <div animateonchange.bind="someProperty">${someProperty}</div>

See the complete example in my blog or on plunkr


The creator of the crazy Aurelia-CSS-Animator over here :)

In order to do what you want you simply need to get hold of the DOM-Element and then use Aurelia's animate method. Since I don't know how you're going to edit an item, I've just used a timeout inside the VM to simulate it.

attached() {
  // demo the item change
  setTimeout( () => {
    let editedItemIdx = 1;

    this.items[editedItemIdx].value = 'Value UPDATED';
    var elem = this.element.querySelectorAll('tbody tr')[editedItemIdx];

    this.animator.addClass(elem, 'background-animation').then(() => {
      this.animator.removeClass(elem, 'background-animation')
  }, 3000);

I've created a small plunkr to demonstrate how that might work. Note this is an old version, not containing the latest animator instance, so instead of animate I'm using addClass/removeClass together.

Also take a look at the official blog post, with more hints

Hope this helps


Unfortunately the accepted answer didnt work for me, the value in display changes before any animation is done, it looks bad.

I solved it by using a binding behavior, the binding update is intercepted and an animation is applied before, then the value is updated and finally another animation is done. Everything looks smooth now.

    import {inject} from 'aurelia-dependency-injection';  
import {CssAnimator} from 'aurelia-animator-css';

export class AnimateBindingBehavior {

    this.animator = _animator;

  bind(binding, scope, interceptor) {

    let self = this;

    let originalUpdateTarget =  binding.updateTarget;

    binding.updateTarget = (val) => {
      self.animator.addClass(, 'binding-animation').then(() => {, val);
        self.animator.removeClass(, 'binding-animation')

  unbind(binding, scope) {
    binding.updateTarget = binding.originalUpdateTarget;
    binding.originalUpdateTarget = null;

Declare your animations in your stylesheet:

@keyframes fadeInRight {
  0% {
    opacity: 0;
    transform: translate3d(100%, 0, 0);
  100% {
    opacity: 1;
    transform: none

@keyframes fadeOutRight {
  0% {
    opacity: 1;
    transform: none;
  100% {
    opacity: 0;
    transform: translate3d(-100%, 0, 0)

      animation: fadeOutRight 0.6s;

      animation: fadeInRight 0.6s;

You use it in your view like

<img src.bind="picture & animate">

