I having trouble getting nHibernate.Search to create an Index.
If I use of nHibernate.dll & nHibernate.Search.dll then the index is created correctly and I can inspect it with Luke (a Lucene utility). A segments file is created as well as a Fragments file etc
However, when I use v 2 of nHibernate.dll & nHibernate.Search.dll then the index is not created correctly. Only a 1k segments file is created in the Index directory and Luke is unable to inspect it.
The code I used in v1 was as follows:
_configuration = new Configuration();
_configuration.AddAssembly(typeof (Contact).Assembly);
_sessionFactory = _configuration.BuildSessionFactory();
SearchFactory.Initialize(_configuration, _sessionFactory);
and I have the following in the config file
<property name="hibernate.search.default.directory_provider">NHibernate.Search.Storage.FSDirectoryProvider, NHibernate.Search</property>
<property name="hibernate.search.default.indexBase">~/Index</property>
in version 2 there is no SearchFactory. The only similar thing I could find was
So I have set up the config as follows
_configuration = new Configuration();
_configuration.AddAssembly(typeof (Contact).Assembly);
_sessionFactory = _configuration.BuildSessionFactory();
"NHibernate.Search.Store.FSDirectoryProvider, NHibernate.Search");
_configuration.SetProperty("hibernate.search.default.indexBase", "Index");
"Lucene.Net.Analysis.Standard.StandardAnalyzer, Lucene.Net");
_configuration.SetListener(ListenerType.PostUpdate, new FullTextIndexEventListener());
_configuration.SetListener(ListenerType.PostInsert, new FullTextIndexEventListener());
_configuration.SetListener(ListenerType.PostDelete, new FullTextIndexEventListener());
This creates the bare bones of an Index but it is not viewable with Luke - which tells me it is corrupt
I have also used the following code to try and create the index manually, but again it only creates the segments file, nothing else
public void CreateIndex<T>(string rootIndexDirectory)
Type type = typeof (T);
var info = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(rootIndexDirectory, type.Name));
// Recursively delete the index and files in there
if (info.Exists) info.Delete(true);
// Now recreate the index
FSDirectory dir = FSDirectory.GetDirectory(Path.Combine(rootIndexDirectory, type.Name), true);
//Ioc.UrlProvider.MapPath(Path.Combine(rootIndexDirectory, type.Name)), true);
var writer = new IndexWriter(dir, new StandardAnalyzer(), true);
if (dir != null)
using (ISession session = _sessionFactory.OpenSession())
using (IFullTextSession fullTextSession = Search.CreateFullTextSession(session))
foreach (var contact in _contacts)
So my question is - do I have to use v1.1.4 of nHibernate if I want to use nHibernate.Search? Or can I use v2? In which case what am I doing wrong?
There is very little on the web about this.
I have found a working example here:
The v2 nHibernate.Search.dll in this project does contain a SearchFactory (albeit in a different namespace).
The one I compiled from the SVN repository doesnt have this
So all sorted