How do I remove a body in Box2dWeb after a collision

岁酱吖の 提交于 2020-01-01 10:15:15


Inside of the Update function, if 2 bodies collide I want to remove them (or mark them as needing to be removed, and remove them at the end of the time step). How would I accomplish this?

In the Update function I try

var bodyA = this.m_fixtureA.m_body;

However, they don't get deleted. It seems that when I am trying to delete them, this.IsLocked() is set to true.


The world will not remove bodies if the world.IsLocked() function returns true. And world.IsLocked() will return true while the world is in a step. Removing a body during a step could cause issues, so the correct way of destroying bodies after collisions is to register them in a variable and then destroy them after the step is completed.

//Pseudo code:
var destroy_list = [];

// Your contact listener
var listener = function () {
  // Push the body you wish to destroy into an array

// The game interval function
var update = function () {
  // Destroy all bodies in destroy_list
  for (var i in destroy_list) {
  // Reset the array
  destroy_list.length = 0;

