Is it possible to play shoutcast (or some) internet radio streams with html5?
So I have next code:
<audio src="" />
I save it as HTML page and start my browser (Google chrome, safary or FF)
But it does not play/work!(
And it does not play with any other internet radio I tried to play!(
Why!?! What am I doing wrong?
btw: from HTML5 (including next generation additions still in development) 2.6.1 Protocol concepts User agents can implement a variety of transfer protocols, but this specification mostly defines behavior in terms of HTTP. [HTTP]
The HTTP GET method is equivalent to the default retrieval action of the protocol. For example, RETR in FTP. Such actions are idempotent and safe, in HTTP terms.
The HTTP response codes are equivalent to statuses in other protocols that have the same basic meanings. For example, a "file not found" error is equivalent to a 404 code, a server error is equivalent to a 5xx code, and so on.
The HTTP headers are equivalent to fields in other protocols that have the same basic meaning. For example, the HTTP authentication headers are equivalent to the authentication aspects of the FTP protocol.
You can't do it with ShoutCast but with Icecast and edcast client you can stream live vorbis trough HTML5 <audio>
tag. Just point it to :p
Add a semicolon to the end of the http
request. It IS the protocol set forth by shoutcast to override its browser detection. Like this example:
<audio controls src=";"></audio>
HTML5 doesn't specify what audio formats (whether progressive or streaming) the player must support. That's up for the browser to determine, based on demand and implementation feasibility. In earlier drafts, we tried to specify a few baseline codecs and formats that all browsers must support, but each of the possible formats caused some browser vendor to refuse to implement it.
The following appears to work in Safari (4.0.4, WebKit nightly 6531.21.10, r54538, Mac OS X 10.6.2), but not Chrome or Firefox:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<audio controls src=""></audio>
(note that <audio>
requires an end tag in the HTML serialization, it can't use an XML style self-closing tag, and I need to include controls
or autoplay
in order to actually start the audio)
This is likely due to the fact that Safari gets support for Shoutcast "for free" because it just uses QuickTime to handle any audio and video URLs it is given, and QuickTime already has support for Shoutcast. This can also lead to some strange bugs, as QuickTime's HTTP implementation is, well, quirky, to put it kindly.
I'd suggest filing bugs asking for Shoutcast support in browsers that don't support it. Here are the bug trackers for Firefox (Gecko/Mozilla), Chrome (Chromium), and Safari (if it happens not to work on Windows, or something like that).
well I've checked ogg_vorbis stations. I downloaded some playlist and opened it in notepad, and copy out the url of a stream. So if you want to test it just copy this to empty file and name it something.html.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>audio testing live stream!</title>
<audio controls="controls" autoplay="autoplay" src="">
that's it!
<!DOCTYPE html>
<audio controls src=";"></audio>
This works in the release version of IE9, Sad that the same can not be said for FireFox 4!
reading the HTML 5 audio specification ( W3C outlines which formats (MP3 or OGG) are supported by which browsers
What i would do is have an icecast server (not ShoutCast) streaming a MP3 and an OGG stream
using javascript detect the browser type -
if (the browser does not support HTML5){ print a message - USE a New Browser }
if (the browser supports HTML5 and OGG streaming (use list from W3c)){ use the OGG stream from the icecast server in the SRC tag }
if (the browser supports HTML5 MP3 streaming (use list from W3C)){ use the MP3 stream from the icecast server in the SRC tag }
i think this would cover all the major browsers and would solve most peoples problems you will probably find in the future this will be redundant as more browsers support
<audio controls src=";"></audio>
The above posts give the correct answer, allthough they don't mention the use of the slash. Make sure /; is there after the stream URL and port.
<audio src=";" />
Well, Firefox and Opera do not support non-Free codecs such as mp3 (as with the Opera 10.5 alpha, FF 3.5 and later supports only PCM wav and Ogg Vorbis for audio). I believe Chrome and Safari do support MP3, however.
The next problem is that your URL appears to point to a webpage describing the stream, not to a stream.
Finally, as far as I know, no one has implemented a playlist parser for the audio element (the spec only mentions audio files, not playlists), which is a problem here, as even when you click "listen" you get a playlist rather than a raw stream.
Yes you can play ShoutCast2 I use it like this in this way
<audio preload="none" autoplay="autoplay" controls="controls">
<source src="" type="audio/mpeg">
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