Scipy Weibull CDF calculation

戏子无情 提交于 2020-01-01 06:57:06


I'm doing survival calculations in Scipy and can't get the correct values.

My code:

x, a, c = 1000, 1.5, 5000

vals = exponweib.cdf(x,a,c,loc=0,scale=1)

Val should equal 0.085559356392783004, but I'm getting 0 instead.

If I define my own function I get the right answer: def weibCumDist(x,a,c): return 1-np.exp(-(x/c)**a)

I could just use my own function, but I'm curious as to what I'm doing wrong. Any suggestions?



You haven't correctly mapped your parameters to those of scipy. To implement the equivalent of your weibCumDist:

In [22]: x = 1000

In [23]: a = 1.5

In [24]: c = 5000

In [25]: exponweib.cdf(x, 1, a, loc=0, scale=c)
Out[25]: 0.08555935639278299

Note that exponweib is the exponentiated Weibull distribution.

You probably want to use scipy.stats.weibull_min. This is the implementation of the distribution that is often referred to as "the" Weibull distribution:

In [49]: from scipy.stats import weibull_min

In [50]: weibull_min.cdf(x, a, loc=0, scale=c)
Out[50]: 0.08555935639278299

