Is there a text editor on the web that supports input from RTF-formatted documents?
I know it is a bit of an odd request for webdev, but I need to read RTF documents from the database and edit them in a web-based text editor and store it back in RTF. Before I invest too heavily in a conversion tool, I thought I would ask if any of the many web text editors supported RTF. My research is showing that they don't.
Additionally, since this is an MVC 4.6 application, would it be a huge effort to write a two-way RTF-HTML conversion tool in C#?
Sample input that would be received by the editor:
"{\rtf1\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;}\f0\pard This is some {\b bold} text.\par }"
Quill is a rich text web editor.
Using the code from the quickstart you could enable it like this
Create the toolbar container
<div id="toolbar">
<button class="ql-bold">Bold</button>
<button class="ql-italic">Italic</button>
Create the editor container
<div id="editor">
<div>Hello World!</div>
<div>Some initial <b>bold</b> text</div>
Include the Quill library
<script src="//cdn.quilljs.com/0.20.1/quill.js"></script>
Initialize Quill editor
var quill = new Quill('#editor');
quill.addModule('toolbar', { container: '#toolbar' });
Setting the editor text
editor.setText("RTF document ");
Getting the editor text
by default 0 will get everything in the editor
var text = editor.getText(0);
also see this Mozilla post which defines how to implement your own rich text editor.
You could use Word to load the RTF file, then Save As HTML. Works but generates a pile of spurious MS- tags.
Or I've written a program (Visual Studio) that you can have if you want - it's a bit basic, doesn't deal with fonts, but converts most text formatting. Let me know if you're interested (I'd need to tidy it a bit - it's very old - a bit like me).
Though as I write this, I see that Wamadahama may have a better solution.