How do I make an HTTP Post with HTTP Basic Authentication, using POCO?

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2020-01-01 03:49:11


I'm trying to make an HTTP Post with HTTP Basic Authentication (cleartext username and password), using POCO. I found an example of a Get and have tried to modify it, but being a rookie I think I've mangled it beyond usefulness. Anyone know how to do this?

Yes, I've already seen the other SO question on this: POCO C++ - NET SSL - how to POST HTTPS request, but I can't make sense of how it is trying to implement the username and password part. I also don't understand the use of "x-www-form-urlencoded". Is this required for a Post? I don't have a form. Just want to POST to the server with username and password parameters.


Finally. Here's how you do it:

    HTTPClientSession session("");

    Poco::Net::HTTPRequest req(Poco::Net::HTTPRequest::HTTP_POST, "/myapi.php/api/validate", HTTPMessage::HTTP_1_1);
    req.setKeepAlive(true); // notice setKeepAlive is also called on session (above)

    std::string reqBody("");
    req.setContentLength( reqBody.length() );

    std::ostream& myOStream = session.sendRequest(req); // sends request, returns open stream
    myOStream << reqBody;  // sends the body


    Poco::Net::HTTPResponse res;
    std::istream& iStr = session.receiveResponse(res);  // get the response from server
    std::cerr << iStr.rdbuf();  // dump server response so you can view it


When you do an HTTP POST, typically the data that is being sent to the server is sent in one of two forms:

  • Name,Value pairs where the name and value are separated by "=", and distinct pairs are separated by "&". For example: var1=value1&var2=value2. Also, these name value pairs are sent so that certain special characters and non-alphanumeric characters are replaced by %HH, a percent sign and two hexadecimal digits representing the ASCII code of the character. For example, if value for the first parameter included an "#", it would be sent as var1=value1%23&var2=value2. When sending data in this format, the client is required to insert a Content-Type header with the value application/x-www-form-urlencoded so that the server may be able to decode the data correctly.

  • As a multipart MIME body where each part can be large in size as well as include "non-escaped" data (including binary data). Different MIME parts are separated by a string delimiter (boundary) that does not appear within any of the MIME "payloads". When sending data in this format, the client is required to insert a Content-Type header with the value multipart/form-data.

In the case of the previous StackOverflow question you referenced, the request body is being sent in the first manner as shown above. Hope that clarifies.

Regards, Siddharth


From the POCO library credential test, here is the code:

HTTPRequest request;
assert (!request.hasCredentials());

HTTPBasicCredentials cred("user", "secret");
assert (request.hasCredentials());
std::string scheme;
std::string info;
request.getCredentials(scheme, info);
assert (scheme == "Basic");
assert (info == "dXNlcjpzZWNyZXQ=");

HTTPBasicCredentials cred2(request);
assert (cred2.getUsername() == "user");
assert (cred2.getPassword() == "secret");

When sending the request, you would only use the first part of this code (stopping at cred.authenticate(request)).

