I'm getting the following json response from QuickBlox REST API:
"base": ["Unexpected signature"]
My signature method:
private function createSignature($login, $password, $timestamp, $nonce)
$signatureContent = "application_id=" . env('QB_APP_ID') .
"&auth_key=" . env('QB_APP_KEY') .
"&nonce=" . $nonce .
"×tamp=" . $timestamp .
"&user[login]=" . $login .
"&user[password]=" . $password;
return hash_hmac('sha1', $signatureContent, env('QB_APP_SECRET'));
The Application ID and Auth Key and is correct. The $signatureContent
value(break lines just to improve the text readability):
I getting this response when I try to create a session, using this params:
$postBody = http_build_query([
'application_id' => env('QB_APP_ID'),
'auth_key' => env('QB_APP_KEY'),
'timestamp' => $ts, // SAME VALUE ON SIGNATURE: 1438287989
'nonce' => $nonce, // SAME VALUE ON SIGNATURE: 268302610
'signature' => $signature,
'user[login]' => $login,
'user[password]' => $password
// cURL Request and Response....
What's wrong with my signature?
I'm creating a new user register, so aren't necessary user[login] and user[password] params. These params are required just to sign in.