Set default value of RadDatePicker to NULL when date is not set

你。 提交于 2019-12-31 07:32:02


I'm binding the RadDatePicker to a viewModel dateTime property. when the property is null in database i get 01/01/0001. How to i change this behavior to just leave the date field blank.. example:

In database ===> experiation_date : NULL In View(GUI) ===> experation_date : 01/01/0001

Expected Result ===> experation_date : {Blank}


Set the SelectedDate to null (and not DBNull):

RadDatePicker1.SelectedDate = null;

and in xaml set DateTimeWatermarkContent to the empty string:

<telerik:RadDatePicker x:Name="RadDatePicker1" DateTimeWatermarkContent="" />


If you are bind not nullable datetime variable i.e (DateTime) to control then it will use default 01/01/001 date instead of Empty.... So if you want the default value as a Empty then just change the datatype of your variable which is bound to control to (DateTime?).....

DateTime ===> DateTime?

It works fine...

Thank you.!!!

