I have a custom picturebox control that allows dragging 2 bitmaps separately on the Main image,thus allowing the user to select the location of the 2 bitmaps.
For First Bitmap
Point src = e.Location;
PointF ratio = new PointF((float)src.X / ClientSize.Width, (float)src.Y / ClientSize.Height);
LaunchOrigin.textratio = ratio;
Point origin = new Point((int)(backupbit1.Width * ratio.X), (int)(backupbit1.Height * ratio.Y));
LaunchOrigin.textorigin = origin;
point.X = src.X - origin.X;
point.Y = src.Y - origin.Y;
For Second Bitmap
Point src = e.Location;
PointF ratio = new PointF((float)src.X / Width, (float)src.Y / Height);
LaunchOrigin.logoratio = ratio;
Point origin = new Point((int)(backupbit2.Width * ratio.X), (int)(backupbit2.Height * ratio.Y));
LaunchOrigin.logoorigin = origin;
point2.X = src.X - origin.X;
point2.Y = src.Y - origin.Y;
This is location is returned to the Main form which contains the full resolution image.In order to properly translate the 2 points (of the 2 bitmaps) i do the following.
Point origin = new Point((int)(bitmap.Width * textratio.X), (int)(bitmap.Height * textratio.Y));
Point pos2 = new Point((int)(textratio.X * img.Width), (int)(textratio.Y * img.Height));
cpoint.X = pos2.X - (int)(origin.X);
cpoint.Y = pos2.Y - (int)(origin.Y);
Point origin = new Point((int)(worktag.Width * logoratio.X), (int)(worktag.Height * logoratio.Y));
Point logopositionpoint = new Point((int)(logoratio.X * img.Width), (int)(logoratio.Y * img.Height));
imgpoint.X = logopositionpoint.X - origin.X;
imgpoint.Y = logopositionpoint.Y - origin.Y;
This works pretty fine when the 2 Bitmaps are placed at distant locations.But when the 2 bitmaps are placed closer to each other and the full resolution image becomes lesser in height than the reference image used for placing the bitmaps these 2 bitmaps overlap.
I'm i doing something wrong? Or do i need to do some overlap detection?
Please advice..
I crated a sample code which works on form. The form has picturebox that gets the image from the button. You can change it if the solution works. The Form has the componenets ( pictureBox, btnImage)
Here is the complete code
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace WindowsFormsApplication2
public partial class Form1 : Form
Image img1;
Image img2;
public Form1()
Image img = Image.FromFile(@"C:\pics\1.jpg");
this.btnImage.Image = img;
this.pcitureBox.AllowDrop = true;
private void btnImage_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
Button btnPic = (Button)sender;
btnPic.DoDragDrop(btnPic.Image, DragDropEffects.Copy);
private void picBox_DragEnter(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Bitmap))
e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy;
e.Effect = DragDropEffects.None;
int img1X = 0;
int img1Y = 0;
private void picBox_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
var point = this.PointToClient(new Point(e.X, e.Y));
int X = point.X - pcitureBox.Left;
int Y = point.Y - pcitureBox.Top;
PictureBox picbox = (PictureBox)sender;
Graphics g = picbox.CreateGraphics();
if (img1 == null)
img1 = (Image)e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.Bitmap);
img1Y = Y;
g.DrawImage(img1, new Point(img1X, img1Y));
#region add img2
img2 = (Image)e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.Bitmap);
//img1 has standart 0,0 point u can change
Rectangle r1 = new Rectangle(img1X, img1Y, img1.Width, img1.Height);
Rectangle r2 = new Rectangle(X, Y, img2.Width, img2.Height);
Rectangle overlapRect = Rectangle.Intersect(r1, r2);
int img2X = X;
int img2Y = Y;
if (overlapRect.Width > 0 || overlapRect.Height > 0)
bool betweenX = overlapRect.X >= r1.X && overlapRect.X <= (r1.X + r1.Height);
bool betweenY = overlapRect.Y >= r1.Y && overlapRect.Y <= (r1.Y + r1.Width);
if (betweenX)
img2X = GetNewX(r1, r2);
else if (betweenY)
img2Y = GetNewY(r1, r2);
if (overlapRect.Width <= overlapRect.Height)
img2X = GetNewX(r1, r2);
img2Y = GetNewY(r1, r2);
g.DrawImage(img1, new Point(img2X, img2Y));
private int GetNewX(Rectangle r1, Rectangle r2)
if (r2.X < r1.X)
return r1.X - r2.Width;
return r1.X + r1.Width;
private int GetNewY(Rectangle r1, Rectangle r2)
if (r2.Y < r1.Y)
return r1.Y - r2.Height;
return r1.Y + r1.Height;