Intel Edison MRAA module not working

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-12-30 18:23:07


I recently downloaded the Intel XDK IOT version and used the LED pin 13 Blink sample. I then uploaded the program onto the Edison, but it came up with a few errors; One of them being that it could not find the MRAA module. The sample code that came with it was: main.js:

var mraa = new require("mraa"); //require mraa
console.log('MRAA Version: ' + mraa.getVersion()); //write the mraa version to the Intel XDK console

var myOnboardLed = new mraa.Gpio(13); //LED hooked up to digital pin 13 (or built in pin on Galileo Gen1 & Gen2)
myOnboardLed.dir(mraa.DIR_OUT); //set the gpio direction to output
var ledState = true; //Boolean to hold the state of Led

periodicActivity(); //call the periodicActivity function

function periodicActivity()
  myOnboardLed.write(ledState?1:0); //if ledState is true then write a '1' (high) otherwise write a '0' (low)
  ledState = !ledState; //invert the ledState
  setTimeout(periodicActivity,1000); //call the indicated function after 1 second (1000 milliseconds)


  "name": "Onboard LED Blink App",
  "description": "",
  "version": "0.0.0",
  "main": "main.js",
  "engines": {
    "node": ">=0.10.0"
  "dependencies": {


echo "src mraa-upm" > /etc/opkg/mraa-upm.conf opkg update opkg install libmraa0

the above answer has typos it should be "mraa" not "maa" and opkg not okpg


Depending on what version of the Edison firmware you have, the mraa modules for Node.js may not be installed properly. To install the latest version of mraa connect your Edison to the internet (via wifi) and run the following commands via ssh or the serial terminal

echo "src mraa-upm" > /etc/opkg/mraa-upm.conf
okpg update
opkg upgrade


echo "src mraa-upm" > /etc/opkg/mraa-upm.conf opkg update opkg install libmraa0



You can also grab the latest version from npm (it'll use a pre-generated SWIG wrapper from git master HEAD and build it on your board).

npm install mraa

here's more details on how this works here -


In the XDK IDE, there's a dropdown settings control just above the serial / terminal area on the right. If you drop down this list, it has options to update all of the libraries and node daemon. This is an easier way to make sure MRAA and all the other deps on the board are up to date and configured properly.

