I am trying to generalize a function call from a subroutine. So my idea is something like this
if (case1) then
call MainSubroutine1(myFun)
elseif (case2)
call MainSubroutine2(myFun)
end if
do i = 1,4
data = myFun(i)
end do
I realize this is kind of vague but I am not sure if this is possible.
Thank you,
edit 1/31/14 7:57 AM
I am sorry for the vague way I phrased this. I was thinking something similar to what @haraldki did but I was hoping that I could define an anonymous function within MainSubroutine1 and MainSubroutine2 and transfer that definition out to the main code.
This is because myFun depends on different stretched distribution (Gaussian and Fermi-Dirac) and I don't want to have a function that only calls a function with a constant thrown it.
Is this possible?
Thank you again.
The answer to you question simply is: no, you can't return an anonymous function. This is because, as @VladimirF says in the comments, there are no anonymous functions in Fortran. As the comments say, though, procedure pointers are quite passable.
Massive speculation follows which is hopefully useful as a way of avoiding the anonymous function requirement.
I infer that you would like to do something like
subroutine MainSubroutine1(fptr)
procedure(func), pointer, intent(out) :: fptr
! Calculate parameterization for your "anonymous" function
fptr => anon_parameterized
real function anon_parameterized(i)
integer, intent(in) :: i
! Use the parameterization
anon_parameterized = ...
end function
end subroutine
and you don't want to do
subroutine MainSubroutine1(fptr)
procedure(func), pointer, intent(out) :: fptr
fptr => Gaussian
end subroutine
real function Gaussian(i)
integer, intent(in) :: i
! Calculate parameterization
Gaussian = Gaussian_parameterized(i, ...)
function Gaussian_parameterized(i, ...)
integer, intent(in) :: i
!... other intent(in) parameters
end function
end subroutine
Note that these aren't internal, as passing pointers to things internal elsewhere is not well implemented (as an F2008 feature) yet, and is tricky. Passing a pointer to an internal procedure to get host association scares me.
If my inference is correct, then there is the possibility of using module variables to store the parameterization, again allowing the final "parameterized" call to be not internal to MainSubroutine1
However, you may want to avoid module variables in which case you may consider passing passing the parameterization along with the function call:
procedure(func), pointer :: myFun => null()
if (case1) then
call MainSubroutine1(myFun)
else if (case2)
call MainSubroutine2(myFun)
end if
if (.not.associated(myFun)) STOP ":("
data = myFun(1, par1, par2)
Ah, but you don't know for certain what parameters the non-parameterized function myFun
requires, so your interface is all broken. Isn't it?
Which then leads to polymorphism.
module dists
type, abstract :: par_type
end type par_type
type, extends(par_type) :: par_gaussian
real :: mu=5.2, sigma=1.2
end type par_gaussian
type, extends(par_type) :: par_fermi_dirac
real :: eps=11.1, mu=4.5
end type par_fermi_dirac
abstract interface
real function func(i, pars)
import par_type
integer, intent(in) :: i
class(par_type), intent(in) :: pars
end function func
end interface
real function gaussian(i, pars)
integer, intent(in) :: i
class(par_type), intent(in) :: pars
select type (pars)
class is (par_gaussian)
print*, "Gaussian", pars%mu, pars%sigma
gaussian = pars%mu+pars%sigma
end select
end function gaussian
real function fermi_dirac(i, pars)
integer, intent(in) :: i
class(par_type), intent(in) :: pars
select type (pars)
class is (par_fermi_dirac)
print*, "Fermi-Dirac", pars%eps, pars%mu
fermi_dirac = pars%eps+pars%mu
end select
end function fermi_dirac
subroutine sub1(fptr, pars)
procedure(func), pointer, intent(out) :: fptr
class(par_type), intent(out), allocatable :: pars
fptr => gaussian
allocate(par_gaussian :: pars)
end subroutine sub1
subroutine sub2(fptr, pars)
procedure(func), pointer, intent(out) :: fptr
class(par_type), intent(out), allocatable :: pars
fptr => fermi_dirac
allocate(par_fermi_dirac :: pars)
end subroutine sub2
end module dists
program prog
use dists
implicit none
class(par_type), allocatable :: pars
procedure(func), pointer :: myfun
call sub1(myfun, pars)
print*, myfun(i, pars)
call sub2(myfun, pars)
print*, myfun(i, pars)
end program prog
That's all speculation, though.