I frequently work with files that have an extension of .ebs. This is a language based on vbscript with a number of new keywords.
Currently I set notepad++ to just use the built-in vb highlighting for files with extension .vbs. Works ok, but the custom keywords do not get highlighted.
I would like to create a user-defined language for the .ebs files but base it off of the built-in vb language.
Is this possible? I searched but the built-in languages do not have an associated .xml file to copy and change.
All highlights are situated in \langs.model.xml and \stylers.model.xml.
Copy the one xml you want to base on and edit it the way you like.
The previous answers are correct and very helpful. Here is a slight update.
In Notepad++ 6.6.9 the xml files are called "stylers.xml" and "langs.xml" and are located in C:\Users\MyUserName\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++ (at least on Windows 7 computer).