What's the right way to match #includes (or #defines) using Clang's libtooling?

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2019-12-30 04:31:22


I'm writing a libtooling refactoring tool. I have a class, let's say Foo, defined in a header called foo.h. I want to see if foo.h is included in a file. Currently, to check if bar.cc includes foo.h, I'm just matching using recordDecl(hasName("Foo")). This works because class Foo { ... }; will exist inside of bar.cc's AST after preprocessing, if bar.cc includes foo.h.

But this doesn't work if, for example, bar.cc includes cat.h which includes foo.h. I want bar.cc to EXPLICITLY include foo.h.

Further, I'd like to be able to match #define macros.

The way I've been writing my tool has made these two goals impossible because the AST I'm matching on has already been preprocessed. Is what I'm trying to do even possible? I dug around the Preprocessor class reference on Clang's Doxygen pages, but I haven't quite found what I'm looking for.


I figured this out after digging around in Clang's Doxygen and code. I needed to be using the PPCallbacks class along with the Preprocessor class. An example is below. Note, this isn't guaranteed to be a functional code snippet, but it illustrates general usage. For more info, see Clang's PPCallbacks documentation and also the documentation for addPPCallbacks and getPPCallbacks in clang::Preprocessor.

class Find_Includes : public PPCallbacks
  bool has_include;

  void InclusionDirective(
    SourceLocation hash_loc,
    const Token &include_token,
    StringRef file_name,
    bool is_angled,
    CharSourceRange filename_range,
    const FileEntry *file,
    StringRef search_path,
    StringRef relative_path,
    const Module *imported)
    // do something with the include
    has_include = true;

class Include_Matching_Action : public ASTFrontendAction
  bool BeginSourceFileAction(CompilerInstance &ci, StringRef)
    std::unique_ptr<Find_Includes> find_includes_callback(new Find_Includes());

    Preprocessor &pp = ci.getPreprocessor();

    return true;

  void EndSourceFileAction()
    CompilerInstance &ci = getCompilerInstance();
    Preprocessor &pp = ci.getPreprocessor();
    Find_Includes *find_includes_callback = static_cast<Find_Includes>(pp.getPPCallbacks());

    // do whatever you want with the callback now
    if (find_includes_callback->has_include)
      std::cout << "Found at least one include" << std::endl;


I successfully implemented it. I do not think EndSourceFileAction() method should contain anything related to Find_Includes.

void InclusionDirective( SourceLocation hash_loc, const Token &include_token, StringRef file_name, bool is_angled, CharSourceRange filename_range,
                            const FileEntry *file, StringRef search_path, StringRef relative_path, const Module *imported)
                  // Add your code here.
bool BeginSourceFileAction(CompilerInstance &CI) 
{     std::unique_ptr<Find_Includes> find_includes_callback(new Find_Includes(TheRewriter));
      Preprocessor &pp = CI.getPreprocessor();
      return true;

