Hadoop Hive unable to move source to destination

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-12-30 03:31:06


I am trying to use Hive 1.2.0 over Hadoop 2.6.0. I have created an employee table. However, when I run the following query:

hive> load data local inpath '/home/abc/employeedetails' into table employee;

I get the following error:

Failed with exception Unable to move source file:/home/abc/employeedetails to destination hdfs://localhost:9000/user/hive/warehouse/employee/employeedetails_copy_1
FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.MoveTask

What wrong am I doing here? Are there any specific permissions that I need to set? Thanks in advance!


As mentioned by Rio, the issue involved lack of permissions to load data into hive table. I figures out the following command solves my problems:

hadoop fs -chmod g+w /user/hive/warehouse


See the permission for the HDFS directory:

hdfs dfs -ls /user/hive/warehouse/employee/employeedetails_copy_1

Seems like you may not have permission to load data into hive table.


The error might be due to permission issue on local filesystem.

Change the permission for local filesystem:

sudo chmod -R 777 /home/abc/employeedetails

Now, run:

hive> load data local inpath '/home/abc/employeedetails' into table employee;


If we face same error After running the above command in distributed mode, we can try the the below cammand in all super users of all nodes. sudo usermod -a -G hdfs yarn Note:we get this error after restart the all the services of YARN(in AMBARI).My problem was resolved.This is admin command better to care when you are running.


I meet the same problems and search it two days .Finally I find the reason is that datenode start a moment and shut down.

solve steps:

  1. hadoop fs -chmod -R 777 /home/abc/employeedetails

  2. hadoop fs -chmod -R 777 /user/hive/warehouse/employee/employeedetails_copy_1

  3. vi hdfs-site.xml and add follow infos :

    dfs.permissions.enabled false

  4. hdfs --daemon start datanode

  5. vi hdfs-site.xml #find the location of 'dfs.datanode.data.dir'and'dfs.namenode.name.dir'.If it is the same location ,you must change it ,this is why I can't start datanode reason.

  6. follow 'dfs.datanode.data.dir'/data/current edit the VERSION and copy clusterID to 'dfs.namenode.name.dir'/data/current clusterID of VERSION。

  7. start-all.sh

  8. if above it is unsolved , to be careful to follow below steps because of the safe of data ,but I already solve the problem because follow below steps.

  9. stop-all.sh

  10. delete the data folder of 'dfs.datanode.data.dir' and the data folder of 'dfs.namenode.name.dir' and tmp folder.

  11. hdfs namenode -format

  12. start-all.sh

  13. solve the problem

maybe you will meet other problem like this.


org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RemoteException(org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.SafeModeException): Cannot create directory /opt/hive/tmp/root/1be8676a-56ac-47aa-ab1c-aa63b21ce1fc. Name node is in safe mode

methods: hdfs dfsadmin -safemode leave

