Playing a movie/DVD on a website

隐身守侯 提交于 2019-12-29 09:32:42


I'm trying to play a movie (ripped from a DVD using handbreak to mp4 format, then using Miro to convert to webm) on a website - it works fine in Firefox and Chrome, but IE6/IE7 just displays a black screen.

I'm using videojs but the Flash fallback was not activating, I believe this is because it was trying to view the external .swf file which I've now hosted locally (it's on https) but I still cannot get the video to run:

Any suggestions would be much appreciated, unfortunately they have said they don't want the video hosted on YouTube or Vimeo...


(edit) just tested and it won't work in IE8/9 either, bah...


few notes: 1) if you deactive flash, you won t see anything in IE6-8 since they don t support HMTL5 2) did you add the type to your source tag? (ceck example at the bottom) 3) i downloaded your mp4 and played it directly in IE9 which works fine. this means it might be a problem with your server configuration. tipp nr. 1 add MIME-Types via .htaccess file to your server

AddType video/ogg .ogv
AddType video/mp4 .mp4
AddType video/mp4 .mov
AddType video/webm .webm

if this doesn t work, try it without video-js just to make sure the mistake doesn t occure within the video-js frameworks (f.e. wrong/bad codec)

<video poster="movie.jpg" controls>
  <source src='movie.webm' type='video/webm'/>
  <source src='movie.ogv' type='video/ogg'/>
  <source src='movie.mp4' type='video/mp4'/>
  <p>Your browser doesn t support html5.</p>

