How to execute a update statement using Oracle ODP.Net in C#

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-12-29 06:55:27


I am using Oracle.DataAccess.Client to work with Oracle database in my ASP.Net application. There is no help documentation in MSDN for ODP.Net and Oracle's documentation is really really bad. I am not able find the answer to this simple question.

Is it not possible to execute a simple update statement without having to build a dataset object and updating the dataset?

How to execute an update statement using Oracle ODP.Net in C#?


I will need to check the exact syntax, but here is some quick code off the top of my head

using (OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(...))
  OracleCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand();
  cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
  cmd.CommandText = "update table set col1 = :param1, col2 = :param2 where key = :keyValue";
  cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("param1", 1);
  cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("param2", "Text data");
  cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("keyValue", "1");

The above creates a command object sets the command up to execute an SQL Update statement, in this example I show one way to setup a parameterized query, you should always go with a parameterized query. Once the command is setup you just call ExecuteNonQuery to actually execute the command.


So after a bit of sleuthing and working this one out for a while, I found that the method I used to add a new parameter to the connection command is as follows. I did not find the method as was stated in the previous post. Mind you I am using a query object that I am passing the values around with.

  public Boolean InsertMethod(Query _query)
        var success = false;
        var queryString = string.Format(@"INSERT INTO TABLE(ID, OWNER, TEXT) VALUES (TABLE_SEQ.NEXTVAL,:OWNER, :TEXT)");
            using (OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(ConString))
                OracleCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand();
                cmd.CommandText = queryString;
                cmd.Parameters.Add("OWNER", _query.Owner);
                cmd.Parameters.Add("TEXT", _query.Text);          

                int rowsUpdated = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();

                if (rowsUpdated > 0) success = true;

            return success;
        catch (Exception ex)


Further to @Chris's answer, here is the documentation page of OracleParameter class which has sample code on using OracleCommand to execute Updates.

EDIT: Here is the entry point for documentation.

