First of all, if it is much easier using either Boost Variant or Utree, then I will settle with them, and i will try to solve my issues with them in another topic. However, i would very much like to be able to build a tree like i have below.
Background, ignore if you would like to go straight to the issue: I would like to be able to build an expression tree which parses something like
"({a} == 0) && ({b} > 5)"
or a standard mathmatic expression
"(2 * a) + b"
I will then define what a and b are before i evaluate my tree, something like this:
a = 10;
double val = myExpression->Evaluate();
My issue comes from when i try to build the try to parse the string into my Expression Tree. I am using an abstract class "Expression" which then derives "Variable", "Constant" and "Binary" expressions (it will also do unary, but it shouldnt effect my problem. I keep having problems with adding to the tree using my rules, so im clearly doing something wrong. Im having a hard time wrapping my head around the attributes.
My Tree is as follows (Tree.h):
class BinaryExpression;
typedef double (*func)(double, double);
class Expression
virtual double Evaluate() = 0;
class BinaryExpression : public Expression
Expression* lhs;
Expression* rhs;
func method;
double Evaluate();
BinaryExpression(char op, Expression* lhs, Expression* rhs);
BinaryExpression(char op);
void operator()(Expression* lhs, Expression* rhs);
class ConstantExpression : public Expression
double value;
ConstantExpression(char op);
ConstantExpression(double val);
double Evaluate();
// Require as many types as there are fields in expression?
static double a;
static double b;
class VariableExpression : public Expression
char op;
VariableExpression(char op);
double Evaluate();
(Expression*, lhs)
(Expression*, rhs)
(func, method)
(char, op)
(double, op)
typedef double (*func)(double, double);
BinaryExpression::BinaryExpression(void) {}
BinaryExpression::BinaryExpression(char op, Expression* lhs, Expression* rhs)
this->lhs = lhs;
this->rhs = rhs;
// Example, methods are held in another header
if (op == '+')
method = Add;
else if (op == '-')
method = Subtract;
double BinaryExpression::Evaluate()
return method(lhs->Evaluate(), rhs->Evaluate());
BinaryExpression::BinaryExpression(char op)
if (op == '+')
method = Add;
else if (op == '-')
method = Subtract;
void BinaryExpression::operator()(Expression* lhs, Expression* rhs)
this->lhs = lhs;
this->rhs = rhs;
ConstantExpression::ConstantExpression() {}
ConstantExpression::ConstantExpression(char op)
this->value = op - 48;
ConstantExpression::ConstantExpression(double val)
value = val;
double ConstantExpression::Evaluate()
return value;
VariableExpression::VariableExpression(char op)
this->op = op;
double VariableExpression::Evaluate()
// a and b are defined in the header, and are used to fill in the variables we want to evaluate
if (op == 'a')
return a;
if (op == 'b')
return b;
return 0;
Now if i build the tree manually it all works fine, so i dont think theres an issue with the way it is structured.
Here is Grammar.h (Lots of comments from where i tried various things, i could remove them, but i may be worth showing what i've tried / where i want to go with it)
#include "Tree.h"
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_function.hpp>
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
namespace ascii = boost::spirit::ascii;
qi::_1_type _1;
qi::_2_type _2;
// Pass functions to boost
boost::phoenix::function<BinaryExpression> plus = BinaryExpression('+');
boost::phoenix::function<BinaryExpression> minus = BinaryExpression('-');
template <typename Iterator>
struct ExpressionParser : qi::grammar<Iterator, BinaryExpression(), ascii::space_type>
ExpressionParser() : ExpressionParser::base_type(expression)
qi::_3_type _3;
qi::_4_type _4;
qi::char_type char_;
qi::uint_type uint_;
qi::_val_type _val;
qi::raw_type raw;
qi::lexeme_type lexeme;
qi::alpha_type alpha;
qi::alnum_type alnum;
qi::bool_type bool_;
qi::double_type double_;
expression = //?
additive_expr [_val = _1]
//equality_expr =
// relational_expr >>
// *(lit("==") > relational_expr) [/*Semantice action to add to tree*/]
// ;
additive_expr =
primary_expr >>
( '+' > primary_expr) [plus(_val, _1)]
| ( '-' > primary_expr) [minus(_val, _1)]
// Also tried "_val = plus(_1, _2)"
primary_expr =
constant [_val = _1]
| variable [_val = _1]
//| '(' > expression > ')' [_val = _1]
string %=
'{' >> *(char_ - '}') >> '}'
// Returns ConstantExpression
constant =
double_ [_val = _1];
// Returns VariableExpression
variable =
char_ [_val = _1]
// constant expression = double
// variable expression = string
qi::rule<Iterator, BinaryExpression(), ascii::space_type>
qi::rule<Iterator, BinaryExpression(), ascii::space_type>
// eventually will deal with all these rules
qi::rule<Iterator, ConstantExpression(), ascii::space_type>
qi::rule<Iterator, VariableExpression(), ascii::space_type>
qi::rule<Iterator, std::string(), ascii::space_type>
So this is a really hacked apart, but hopefully it will show what im trying to achieve. Any advice or tips would be really appreciated. Is there an example where someone has built a tree like this without using variant or utree.
Also sorry if ive broken convention, and for my formatting, i tried to make it as readable as possible.
It isn't clear to me what your gripe with (recursive) variants are, but here is a variation that goes along with your wish to use 'old fashioned' tree building using dynamically allocated nodes:
- http://liveworkspace.org/code/3VS77n$0
I have purposefully sidestepped the issue of operator precedence in your grammar because
- your grammar was incomplete
- I don't know the desired semantics (after all, you appear to support boolean evaluation as well, but I'm not sure how)
You can learn about these in other answers:
- Boolean expression (grammar) parser in c++
- Boost::Spirit Expression Parser
- Compilation error with a boost::spirit parser shows an alternative approach
Note how I
- removed ubiquitous memory leaks by using shared_ptr (you can use the Boost one if you don't have a TR1 library)
- I removed the misguided reuse of a specific BinaryExpression instance as a phoenix lazy actor. Instead I made a local
actor now. Note how chains of operators (1+2+5+6-10) are now supported:
additive_expr = primary_expr [ _val = _1 ] >> *(char_("-+*/") >> primary_expr) [ _val = makebinary(_1, _val, _2)] ;
I added
supportadded serialization for display (
virtual method,operator<<
) (for display convenience, BinaryExpression stores theoperator
instead of the resultantmethod
now)- Therefore now you can use BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG (uncomment first line)
- I have renamed
(and made de constructor protected) - I have renamed
(and this is now your main expression datatype) - I show how to store simplistically variables in a
map- be sure to have a look at
and - e.g. How to add qi::symbols in grammar<Iterator,double()>?
- be sure to have a look at
- Uses far less fusion struct adaptation (only for
now) Uses the templated constructor trick to make it very easy to construct an expression from disparate parsed types:
struct Expression : AbstractExpression { template <typename E> Expression(E const& e) : _e(make_from(e)) { } // cloning the expression // ... };
is enough to efficiently support e.g.:
primary_expr = ( '(' > expression > ')' ) [ _val = _1 ] | constant [ _val = _1 ] | variable [ _val = _1 ] ;
for fun have included a few more test cases:
Input: 3*8 + 6 Expression: Expression(BinaryExpression(BinaryExpression(ConstantExpression(3) * ConstantExpression(8)) + ConstantExpression(6))) Parse success: true Remaining unparsed: '' (a, b): 0, 0 Evaluation result: 30 ---------------------------------------- Input: 3*(8+6) Expression: Expression(BinaryExpression(ConstantExpression(3) * BinaryExpression(ConstantExpression(8) + ConstantExpression(6)))) Parse success: true Remaining unparsed: '' (a, b): 0, 0 Evaluation result: 42 ---------------------------------------- Input: 0x1b Expression: Expression(ConstantExpression(27)) Parse success: true Remaining unparsed: '' (a, b): 0, 0 Evaluation result: 27 ---------------------------------------- Input: 1/3 Expression: Expression(BinaryExpression(ConstantExpression(1) / ConstantExpression(3))) Parse success: true Remaining unparsed: '' (a, b): 0, 0 Evaluation result: 0.333333 ---------------------------------------- Input: .3333 * 8e12 Expression: Expression(BinaryExpression(ConstantExpression(0.3333) * ConstantExpression(8e+12))) Parse success: true Remaining unparsed: '' (a, b): 0, 0 Evaluation result: 2.6664e+12 ---------------------------------------- Input: (2 * a) + b Expression: Expression(BinaryExpression(BinaryExpression(ConstantExpression(2) * VariableExpression('a')) + VariableExpression('b'))) Parse success: true Remaining unparsed: '' (a, b): 10, 7 Evaluation result: 27 ---------------------------------------- Input: (2 * a) + b Expression: Expression(BinaryExpression(BinaryExpression(ConstantExpression(2) * VariableExpression('a')) + VariableExpression('b'))) Parse success: true Remaining unparsed: '' (a, b): -10, 800 Evaluation result: 780 ---------------------------------------- Input: (2 * {a}) + b Expression: Expression(BinaryExpression(BinaryExpression(ConstantExpression(2) * VariableExpression('a')) + VariableExpression('b'))) Parse success: true Remaining unparsed: '' (a, b): -10, 800 Evaluation result: 780 ---------------------------------------- Input: {names with spaces} Expression: Expression(VariableExpression('names with spaces')) Parse success: true Remaining unparsed: '' (a, b): 0, 0 Evaluation result: 0 ----------------------------------------
Full Code
#include <cassert>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
struct AbstractExpression;
typedef std::shared_ptr<AbstractExpression> Ptr;
struct AbstractExpression {
virtual ~AbstractExpression() {}
virtual double Evaluate() const = 0;
virtual std::ostream& Print(std::ostream& os) const = 0;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, AbstractExpression const& e)
{ return e.Print(os); }
protected: AbstractExpression() {}
template <typename Expr> // general purpose, static Expression cloner
static Ptr make_from(Expr const& t) { return std::make_shared<Expr>(t); }
struct BinaryExpression : AbstractExpression
BinaryExpression() {}
template<typename L, typename R>
BinaryExpression(char op, L const& l, R const& r)
: _op(op), _lhs(make_from(l)), _rhs(make_from(r))
double Evaluate() const {
func f = Method(_op);
assert(f && _lhs && _rhs);
return f(_lhs->Evaluate(), _rhs->Evaluate());
char _op;
Ptr _lhs, _rhs;
typedef double(*func)(double, double);
static double Add(double a, double b) { return a+b; }
static double Subtract(double a, double b) { return a-b; }
static double Multuply(double a, double b) { return a*b; }
static double Divide(double a, double b) { return a/b; }
static BinaryExpression::func Method(char op)
switch(op) {
case '+': return Add;
case '-': return Subtract;
case '*': return Multuply;
case '/': return Divide;
default: return nullptr;
std::ostream& Print(std::ostream& os) const
{ return os << "BinaryExpression(" << *_lhs << " " << _op << " " << *_rhs << ")"; }
struct ConstantExpression : AbstractExpression {
double value;
ConstantExpression(double v = 0) : value(v) {}
double Evaluate() const { return value; }
virtual std::ostream& Print(std::ostream& os) const
{ return os << "ConstantExpression(" << value << ")"; }
struct VariableExpression : AbstractExpression {
std::string _name;
static double& get(std::string const& name) {
static std::map<std::string, double> _symbols;
return _symbols[name];
/*switch(name) {
* case 'a': static double a; return a;
* case 'b': static double b; return b;
* default: throw "undefined variable";
double Evaluate() const { return get(_name); }
virtual std::ostream& Print(std::ostream& os) const
{ return os << "VariableExpression('" << _name << "')"; }
struct Expression : AbstractExpression
Expression() { }
template <typename E>
Expression(E const& e) : _e(make_from(e)) { } // cloning the expression
double Evaluate() const { assert(_e); return _e->Evaluate(); }
// special purpose overload to avoid unnecessary wrapping
friend Ptr make_from(Expression const& t) { return t._e; }
Ptr _e;
virtual std::ostream& Print(std::ostream& os) const
{ return os << "Expression(" << *_e << ")"; }
//#include "Tree.h"
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/adapted.hpp>
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(VariableExpression, (std::string, _name))
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
namespace ascii = boost::spirit::ascii;
namespace phx = boost::phoenix;
// Pass functions to boost
template <typename Iterator>
struct ExpressionParser : qi::grammar<Iterator, Expression(), ascii::space_type>
struct MakeBinaryExpression {
template<typename,typename,typename> struct result { typedef BinaryExpression type; };
template<typename C, typename L, typename R>
BinaryExpression operator()(C op, L const& lhs, R const& rhs) const
{ return BinaryExpression(op, lhs, rhs); }
phx::function<MakeBinaryExpression> makebinary;
ExpressionParser() : ExpressionParser::base_type(expression)
using namespace qi;
expression =
additive_expr [ _val = _1]
additive_expr =
primary_expr [ _val = _1 ]
>> *(char_("-+*/") >> primary_expr) [ _val = makebinary(_1, _val, _2)]
primary_expr =
( '(' > expression > ')' ) [ _val = _1 ]
| constant [ _val = _1 ]
| variable [ _val = _1 ]
constant = lexeme ["0x" >> hex] | double_ | int_;
string = '{' >> lexeme [ *~char_("}") ] > '}';
variable = string | as_string [ alpha ];
qi::rule<Iterator, Expression() , ascii::space_type> expression;
qi::rule<Iterator, Expression() , ascii::space_type> additive_expr;
qi::rule<Iterator, Expression() , ascii::space_type> primary_expr;
qi::rule<Iterator, ConstantExpression(), ascii::space_type> constant;
qi::rule<Iterator, VariableExpression(), ascii::space_type> variable;
qi::rule<Iterator, std::string() , ascii::space_type> string;
void test(const std::string input, double a=0, double b=0)
typedef std::string::const_iterator It;
ExpressionParser<It> p;
Expression e;
It f(input.begin()), l(input.end());
bool ok = qi::phrase_parse(f,l,p,ascii::space,e);
std::cout << "Input: " << input << "\n";
std::cout << "Expression: " << e << "\n";
std::cout << "Parse success: " << std::boolalpha << ok << "\n";
std::cout << "Remaining unparsed: '" << std::string(f,l) << "'\n";
std::cout << "(a, b): " << a << ", " << b << "\n";
VariableExpression::get("a") = a;
VariableExpression::get("b") = b;
std::cout << "Evaluation result: " << e.Evaluate() << "\n";
std::cout << "----------------------------------------\n";
int main()
test("3*8 + 6");
test(".3333 * 8e12");
test("(2 * a) + b", 10, 7);
test("(2 * a) + b", -10, 800);
test("(2 * {a}) + b", -10, 800);
test("{names with spaces}");