I have this script that makes a file with multiple extensions, but I would like to add headers from the old files to the extensions.
new_hdul = fits.HDUList()
new_hdul.append(fits.ImageHDU(nod1, header=header1, name='Chop1'))
new_hdul.append(fits.ImageHDU(nod2, header=header2, name='Chop2'))
new_hdul.append(fits.ImageHDU(diff1, name='Dif'))
Now I have tried:
headermain = fits.getheader(file,0)
headermain = fits.open(file).header.copy()
But both give me errors saying that
ValueError: header must be a Header object
How can I fix this?
headermain = fits.getheader(file,0)
see http://pastebin.com/JXki7EPV
Generally getting the header as Header object from a file isn't complicated. You astropy.io.fits.open()
the file and extract the Header from the PrimaryHDU with:
from astropy.io import fits
filename = 'test.fits'
with fits.open(filename) as hdus:
headermain = hdus[0].header
or with getheader
headermain = fits.getheader(filename) # Defaults to primary header!
and the result will be a fits.Header
-object that you can use during writing.
But if your file is not a valid FITS file there might be problems. If this doesn't work could you edit your question and show the output of any of these two functions?