in this code I am trying to load an svg file into snap paper and then convert it to a group by :
replacing <svg with <g and </svg> with </g> ?
how can I fix this to work please?
var s1 = Snap('#svg1');
Snap.load( "https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/140225334/bicycle.svg", function( frag ) {
var maing = s1.g();
maing.attr({id: 'maing' });
// city_name=city_name.replace(/ /gi,'_');
var maing = maing.replace("<svg", "<maing").replace("</svg>", "</maing>"); // how this can be fixed to work?!
Edit: @ dystroy, do you mean something like this?:
var s1 = Snap('#svg1');
Snap.ajax("https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/140225334/bike2.svg", function(request)
var svg = Snap(request.responseXML.documentElement);
var maing = svg.selectAll("svg>*");//you can select any elements.
maing.attr({id: 'maing' });
} );
Edit: @ dystroy, If I go this way some svg styling is not going to be copied over:
please check to see how these 2 would differ:
copying over the svg nodes to an g:
original svg file:
You should add fill-rule attribute to svg element.
Original svg file has fill-rule attribute which value is "evenodd", but svg element described in html has no fill-rule, so browser treats the fill-rule attribute has "nonzero" as default value.
Thus the copied svg graphic looks like its style info was lost.
Snap.ajax("https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/140225334/bike2.svg", function(request)
var maing = s1.g();
var svg = Snap(request.responseXML.documentElement);
var maing = svg.selectAll("svg>*");//you can select any elements.
//copy fill-rule attribute.
s1.attr("fill-rule", svg.node.getAttribute("fill-rule"));
maing.attr({id: 'maing' });
// maing.transform('r45');