I read many links specially on stackoverflow but could not find the solution as there was some difference . so I want to make my point clear as explained below:
I have an ajax call pointing to my controller and it has only one parameter google_searched_locations , which is basically contains json string
google_searched_locations [{"geometry":{"location":{"J":31.482273,"M":74.33069999999998}},"icon":"https://maps.gstatic.com/mapfiles
/place_api/icons/restaurant-71.png","id":"b93a99a46343de01d0d928f99470f9b0f5f6f11d","name":"Dunkin' Donuts"
my action contains the following code
def searchResults
@restaurant = GoogleSearchedLocation.new(params_google_searched_locations)
if @restaurant.save!
render json: { :status => :Ok }
render json: { :status => :failed }
And code in params_google_searched_locations
is as follows
def params_google_searched_locations
Now the whole ajax call fails throwing the following error in response
NoMethodError in GoogleSearchedLocationController#searchResults
undefined method `permit' for #< String:0x007f66ec5515b8 >
Solution with the reason will be more appreciated . Thanks in advance
Usually, you would use a combination of permit/require
on params where the parent returns a hash e.g. {user: {name: 'Maria'}
However, the parent returns a JSON string. So what you would do is parse that JSON and then use the permit. However, keep in mind that you have just lost the indifference access from Rails where you can access a key using a symbol or a string
However, from your example since the JSON returns an array, I don't think you can use permit
If it was a hash, I believe you could do
def params_google_searched_locations
json = params.require(:google_searched_locations)
{place_id: JSON.parse(json).permit(:place_id)}
At any case, you don't necessarily need to use permit
. You can whitelist the params yourself.