How to initialize checkbox from hashmap (Angular 2)

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-12-25 16:41:06


How can we initialize and manipulate a check box value? I've looked at quite a number of examples, but haven't been able to get any to work.

I'm trying to present a N x M table where the rows represent tasks, and the columns students. The idea is that checking one of the check-boxes in the table assigns a task to a student.

There is a typescript hash map which contains the value of all the checkboxes;

assigned : { [key:string]:boolean; } = {};  

the hash key is:

var key = a.TaskId + '_' + a.StudentId;

The table is generated with a nested ngFor:

<tr *ngFor="let t of tasks">

  <td>Task Name for task... {{t.taskId}}&nbsp; &nbsp;</td>
  <td *ngFor="let s of students">

    <input type="checkbox" name=#{{t.TaskId}}_{{s.StudentId}} change="onAssignmentChange(t,s)" [checked]="cbValue(t, s)">


the cbValue(t, s) is below:

cbValue(taskItem, studentItem) {
   var key =  taskItem.TaskId + '_' +studentItem.StudentId;
   return this.assigned[key];

This doesn't work, all the checkboxes in the table come up unchecked, no matter what the values in the hash.

I've also tried:

    <input type="checkbox"  change="onAssignmentChange(t,s)" [checked]="cbValue(t, s)">

    <input type="checkbox"  change="onAssignmentChange(t,s)" [(ngModel)]={{t.TaskId}}+'_'+{{s.StudentId}} >

    <input type="checkbox"  change="onAssignmentChange(t,s)" [(ngModel)]="assigned[t.TaskId"+'_'+"s.StudentId"]>

none of which works.

I seem to be quite in the dark here; onAssignmentChange doesn't get triggered either, there are no Errors in console.


...  name=#{{t.TaskId}}_{{s.StudentId}}  ...

is this supposed to be a local target or something?

thanks in advance


This is fairly trivial as we're just going to bind straight to the assigned object, since we're using JavaScript's bracket property accessor we also get a free dynamic instantiation of the property through the template (dirty, maybe, but powerful). Additionally, wherever you're processing this later assume that a missing value is false:


<tr *ngFor="let t of tasks">

        <td>Task Name for task... {{t.taskName}}&nbsp; &nbsp;</td>
        <td *ngFor="let s of students">

          <input type="checkbox" name="{{t.taskId}}_{{s.studentId}}" [(ngModel)]="assigned[t.taskId + '_' + s.studentId]">

Here's a plunker to demonstrate:

