I'm trying to create a snippet in SublimeText which replaces words I type with greek letters after pressing ctrl+g.
e.g.: sigma -> ctrl+g -> σ
I could make a snippet for each letter, but I have the feeling it should be easier. I don't want to scan through the whole document, only the word the cursor is currently at.
I was looking for a similar thing and just stumbled over the Package "Greek Letters" by Arne Ludwig (for ST2/ST3):
It works by autocompleting LaTeX names for Greek letters.
Autocompletion is usually configured with the tab
-key, e.g:
You could do it with a plugin. Something like the following will work for a single cursor position.
import sublime_plugin
class GreekSubstitution(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
greek_map = {}
greek_map["alpha"] = "α"
greek_map["beta"] = "ß"
greek_map["gamma"] = "Γ"
def run(self, edit):
view = self.view
cursors = view.sel()
cursor = cursors[0]
word_region = view.word(cursor)
word = view.substr(word_region)
if word in self.greek_map:
view.replace(edit, word_region, self.greek_map[word])
The command you would bind to is greek_substitution
. Obviously you would need to expand the list beyond alpha, beta, and gamma, but this should get you started in the right direction.
I can't comment so I'll just post another reply:
Isn't self.greek_map(word)
a syntax error? I'm assuming it's a simple typo.
I'm not sure if it's in the spirit of this forum, but I took the liberty of submitting a complete solution, based on the preceding reply.
import sublime, sublime_plugin
import unicodedata
# NOTE: Unicode uses the spelling 'lamda'
class InsertSpecialSymbol(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
# Configuration
DEBUG = True
# Symbol sets
Greek = { unicodedata.name(L).split()[-1].lower() : L for L in map(chr, range(945, 970)) }
Math = { 'multiply': '×', 'forall': '∀', 'element': '∈', 'angle': '∠', 'proportional': '∝', 'le': '≤', 'ge': '≥' }
replacements = Greek.copy()
def debug(self, string):
if InsertSpecialSymbol.DEBUG: print(string)
def run(self, edit):
''' Replaces the selected word with an appropriate symbol '''
view = self.view
for cursor in view.sel():
wordRegion = view.word(cursor)
word = view.substr(wordRegion)
symbol = self.replacements.get(word.lower(), None)
if symbol is not None:
view.replace(edit, wordRegion, symbol if word[0].islower() else symbol.upper())
self.debug('Substitution not available for \'%s\'.' % word)
Just as an aside, since creating the map manually would've been such a pain, I'd like to point out that it was done automatically (cf. unicodedata.name) with a short Python-snippet. I'll post it upon request.
EDIT The example assumes you're using Sublime Text 3, whose API is not backwards compatible. If your editor relies on Python 2, I recommend James' answer below.