I have a 96x96 image and i need to divide it in 36 pieces of 16x16 and i have a script given below works fine on my localhost but not working on my webhost.
function makeTiles($name, $imageFileName, $crop_width, $crop_height)
$dir = "/pic";
$slicesDir = "/pic/16X16";
// might be good to check if $slicesDir exists etc if not create it.
$ImgExt = split(".",$imageFileName);
$inputFile = $dir . $imageFileName;
$img = new Imagick($inputFile);
$imgHeight = $img->getImageHeight();
$imgWidth = $img->getImageWidth();
$cropWidthTimes = ceil($imgWidth/$crop_width);
$cropHeightTimes = ceil($imgHeight/$crop_height);
for($i = 0; $i < $cropWidthTimes; $i++)
for($j = 0; $j < $cropHeightTimes; $j++)
$img = new Imagick($inputFile);
$x = ($i * $crop_width);
$y = ($j * $crop_height);
$img->cropImage($crop_width, $crop_height, $x, $y);
$data = $img->getImageBlob();
$newFileName = $slicesDir . $name . "_" . $x . "_" . $y . ".".$ImgExt[1];
$result = file_put_contents ($newFileName, $data);
Getting fatal error
Fatal error: Class 'Imagick' not found in myfile.php line number
My host saying:
Imagick and image magic both are same unfortunately, we do not have them as a PHP module we have binaries like ImageMagick binary and Image magic path is /usr/local/bin. Include this function in your script and check the website functionality from your end.
I dont know how to fix this error.
If I understand it correctly you will have to invoke the imagick
binary from your script using exec()
exec('/usr/local/bin/convert '.$inputFile.' -crop 96x96+ox+oy '.$newFilename);
The ox
and oy
should be replaced with the correct offset values.
Here is are a couple of links that might help:
- How do I use Imagick binaries from php
- Imagick - Convert Command-line tool