Extend an existing (anonymous) type in a select query

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2019-12-25 04:26:14


While working with LinqPad I have a Select x, Extra=f(y) query where I'd like to return all the properties (and fields) of x at the same level as Extra, rather than as separate x and Extra properties (or fields).

Can this be done?

I.e. I want Select x.p1, x.p2, Extra=f(y) without having to type that much.

Note the type of x may or may not actually be anonymous, just somewhat opaque or just too big to copy out manually. The type resulting from the VB.NET implicit typing and the C# explicit new {} is anonymous.


Jon Skeet has already answered this question negatively here (but that question is not a duplicate because it's a special case).

As a workaround here are My Extensions to at least list the properties and fields ready to be pasted back into the Select query.

// Properties so you can "extend" anonymous types
public static string AllProperties<T>(this T obj, string VarName)
    var ps=typeof(T).GetProperties();
    return ps.Any()?(VarName + "." + string.Join(", " + VarName + ".", from p in ps select p.Name)):"";

// Fields so you can "extend" anonymous types
public static string AllFields<T>(this T obj, string VarName)
    var fs=typeof(T).GetFields();
    return fs.Any()?(VarName + "." + string.Join(", " + VarName + ".", from f in fs select f.Name)):"";

You may be lucky enough to just be able to say Select x.AllProperties("x") Take 1 but when you need to avoid Linq-to-SQL getting in the way you need to add more: (from ... Select x).First().AllProperties("x"), with even more hoops if you need to get both properties and fields (as I found you do with the entities generated by LinqPad).

These will produce a string like "x.p1, x.p2" that can be pasted back into the original Select query.

